3 : Worth

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He was pondering about the words which he heard from Rohail's mouth. How he recommended divorce, and Meerab kept quiet, and he knew about the contract also. Tears were falling from his eyes already, and now Rohail's words made his heart sink. He knows that she regrets everything that happened between them and places himself responsible for that. He could have halted her, but he didn't, and that was his greatest mistake.

"I will tell you the worth of this contract", Murtasim yelled angrily and locked the door of their room. He walked towards Meerab furiously and threw her on the bed, which terrified Meerab. She looked at him in horror as she was not expecting him to behave like an animal like he was doing. Murtasim hovered over her and pinned her hands above her head. She felt her heartbeat rising due to the fear of his anger and the outcome. His eyes are not depicting love but pure hate and lust right now. She can't let anyone mistreat her, especially the guy who is becoming an important part of her life

"Murtasim", Meerab called his name angrily and tried to free herself but couldn't. Murtasim shut his eyes as her shrieks were aching him, and tears were making him vulnerable, but he wanted to show her what is the worth of her so-called contract if he didn't respect that.

He loves her, and even in anger, he knows his limits, but still, he has to show her what he is capable of. She takes him for granted and thinks that if he can't do anything, then she is totally wrong. He has been controlling himself from the day they married just because of her contract; otherwise, he had liked her since childhood. He always buried his feelings inside his heart at that time, and he didn't know she was Anwar's daughter. In their tradition, a boy and girl marry in their family; that's why he always tries to stay away from Meerab.

"What the hell are you doing?", Meerab asked angrily when he stumbled and fell on her by mistake, but for Meerab, it looked like he was forcing himself on her. He immediately took his previous position and replied with a frown

"Showing my worth", he replied and noticed her teary eyes. A sudden wave of regret hit him, and he realised that he was wrong here. He should have selected other ways to show his worth rather than this. He noticed her facial expressions and understood that she was traumatized

"Leave me, please. Murtasim, you promised to protect me", Meerab requested to which Murtasim nodded and moved away from her. He walks towards the couch with his head hung down as he regrets his actions very badly and doesn't dare to ask forgiveness.

He then remembered he left that chit on the floor and went out in search of chit. Once he found that, he came back into thier room and placed them in front of Meerab. Whatever might happen, he can't change the fact that he loves her and can't handle misunderstandings between them. He can't bear her ignorance, especially because of Haya

"This is the chit which I got from that baby", he said and looked at her for any expressions, but she stayed silent, and she didn't change her expressions which scared him. He noticed her hair a little messed up because he pushed her and closed his eyes in regret. She is looking beautiful, but he made her look like a victim

"I thought you hugged me, but it was Haya. My heart yearns for your love Meerab, and nobody can take your place. Believe Meerab, I'm not cheating on you, and I was just showing the worth of that contract. I was in my senses and was not going to force myself on you. I respect that contract from my heart", Murtasim said to clear her confusion regarding Haya and the recent incident as well, but Meerab stayed unaffected, which scared Murtasim. He touched her shoulder, but Meerab moved back, and in a blink of a second, Murtasim noticed her running towards the washroom. He ran behind her and noticed her crying drastically near the wash basin

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