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The flames rose so high that they could touch StarClan themselves. While warriors rushed and grabbed elders and kits, an orange-colored she-cat stood behind a dirt barrier. She was in charge of healing injuries and helping cats breathe. Goldenflow shuttered: she could feel the heat from there. She narrowed her eyes, trying to spot her sister, Silvershore. To her dismay, the silver-grey she-cat was nowhere to be found. Her eyes widened when she saw RiverClan's leader, Calmstar, coughing badly while barely standing. His deputy, Mothwhisper, was staring helplessly at him. The she-cat shot Goldenflow a grateful glance as she rushed over to the leader. Goldenflow was desperate to save him. After all, he only had one life left. Goldenflow's eyes narrowed as she saw that he had inhaled a lot of smoke. "Don't save me, StarClan is ready to take me," Calmstar rasped. "But-" Calmstar shook his head. "I know that you're a medicine cat. But StarClan has made it clear. My leadership has been well. May Mothwhisper lead our Clan into greatness. It is time for me to go." His breathing stopped. Goldenflow hung her head in sadness. Mothwhisper will make a good leader. "Is everyone evacuated?" the deputy shouted, breaking Goldenflow's thoughts. "I think so!" came Aquastorm's voice from afar. She was one of the cats that were ordered to evacuate the remaining cats. Goldenflow looked around for her sister. Alarm shot through her when Silvershore was not among the evacuated cats. "Wait! Where's my sister???" she shouted. Suddenly, a silver-colored paw reached up from a pile of rocks that had collapsed. "H-help m-me..." a barely audible voice cried. It was Silvershore. Mothwhisper immediately raced towards her. But before she could reach Silvershore, the flames got to her first. Cats were frozen with horror as an agonizing wail came from beneath the fire. Tears shed down Goldenflow's face as she realized that her sister was dead. Burned alive. And she never got to say goodbye.

Warriors Super Edition: Goldenflow's Grief book #1 DISASTER WAITING SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now