💛Chapter 11💛

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Goldenflow trotted out of RiverClan territory. Her eyes were filled with fury. Oh, StarClan, how could you do this to me?

It wasn't even light yet, but Goldenflow could hear prey scuffling beneath bushes and trees.

One squirrel darted right in front of her as if taunting her to catch it. Goldenflow ignored it and kept going to the horseplace. After all, where else could she go?

Goldenflow's eyes widened when she saw the faint shape of a cat sitting right near horseplace.

"Hey, you! Who are you?" she shouted as she ran closer.

The cat turned towards her and Goldenflow saw the glint of green eyes.

"Goldenflow." The cat greeted in a she-cat voice. "I didn't expect you here."

"Redwing! What are you doing here?"

Redwing scoffed. "I could ask you the same thing."

"I got blamed for Mothstar's murder so I got exiled."

Redwing's jaw gaped in astonishment. "You?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

Redwing nodded. "Understandable."

"So, what are you doing here?"

"I left ThunderClan."


"I don't wanna talk about it," Redwing replied with mockery in her voice.

Goldenflow slapped a paw to her face and shook her head.

"So, I wanted to apologize for my rage the last time we met. Do you know what happened to Dawnpaw?" Redwing asked, concern in her voice.

"She's Dawnlight now. She's a warrior in StarClan."

"Oh... I'm sorry for your loss."

"Don't apologize. Things happen."

Redwing nodded. "Alright, I've been thinking about your prophecy lately."

"What about it?"

"I think it's meant for the both of us. We need to travel together."

"What? Not that I wouldn't like traveling with you..."

Redwing purred. "Oh Goldenflow, you're so predictable. We need to get going now! Who knows what awaits us?"

Goldenflow nodded. "This is our destiny. No one can interfere."

"So, first thing, we need to go to the stream in your territory."

Goldenflow looked down at her paws. "I don't know. If I get caught by a patrol, then I'm crow-food."

Redwing put her tail on Goldenflow's shoulder. "We'll be fine. This is our destiny. StarClan won't let us get caught."

"Alright, let's do this!"


The twosome crept into RiverClan territory. Their pawsteps were completely silent on the snow, not even prey noticed them. They finally found the stream they were looking for.

"Ok, we're here. Wow, look in the opposite direction of the lake! It leads to unknown territory! I can't really see it well though because of the snow." Redwing observed.

Goldenflow sighed. This is it, she thought. The last time in familiar territory.

"Are you ready? We must travel until the green grass grows." Redwing meowed.

Goldenflow nodded. "It's a long way, but we can do it."

"Alright, let's go!"

And with that, both cats headed south of the lake, just as the first light of dawn arrived.

Warriors Super Edition: Goldenflow's Grief book #1 DISASTER WAITING SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now