💛Chapter 14💛

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"Golden That Flows Through The Stream! Wake up! It's time for hunting!"

Goldenflow lifted her head. Fox was staring at her.

"Just call me Goldenflow, please. My new name is long."

"Goldenflow..." Fox looked thoughtful for a moment as if the name sounded weird on his tongue.

Goldenflow slowly stood up and started to walk across the cave. She heard running pawsteps behind her.

"Hey, wait up!" Fox called.

Goldenflow turned to face him. "So, who's going hunting?" she asked.

Fox blinked. "All the prey-hunters of course."

"So you, Rain, Eagle, and me?"

Fox nodded. "Yes, and the rest shall guard the cave."

"So, are we going hunting or what?" Eagle asked from behind them. Rain was there also.

"Yes. Let's go."

The prey hunters walked outside the cave to see that the sun was barely up.

"By StarClan, why do we get up so early?"

The other prey hunters looked at her strangely. "We always get up at this time. This is when prey is out. And what is this 'StarClan'?" Rain asked.

Goldenflow remembered that these cats have different beliefs than Clan cats.

She shook her head. "Nothing."

The cats carried on. Soon they came across a huge open space. The rising sun made the morning frost shine.

"Wow, it's beautiful! But how do we all hunt over such a large area?" Goldenflow questioned.

"We'll split up. Rain and I will hunt over there." Eagle gestured to the left side of the clearing.

"And you and Fox will take the right side." Rain finished.

Goldenflow was about to leave with Fox when Eagle warned, "Remember that we can't hunt foxes or big birds because we don't have any cave guards with us."

"Got it!" Goldenflow replied.

"Thank the Tribe of Endless Hunting for that," Fox muttered under his breath. "I hate hunting foxes."

Goldenflow rolled her eyes.

"Of course you do."

Fox glared at her with a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Hey!"

"Hey yourself." Goldenflow retorted.

Fox snorted. "Maybe I should make fun of your 'StarClan'." He mocked.

"Hey! That's a religious belief!"

"So you get the excuses huh? Well, I'll-" Fox's reply was stopped short when they spotted a mouse sniffing ahead. Fox nudged Goldenflow forward. "You know how to hunt mice better than I do," he whispered in her ear. "Maybe you could teach me how to do better someday,"


Goldenflow dropped into a crouch. The truth is, she only got a bit of hunting experience when she received warrior training before she wanted to become a medicine cat. But Fox didn't know that she was a medicine cat. He thought that she was a warrior. A cat that could have a mate.

She stalked forward, keeping her tail just off the ground. The breeze was blowing towards her, masking her scent. She made sure to not step on any twigs as she got closer to the mouse. The mouse still hadn't noticed her as she leaped onto it and gave it a swift bite on the neck. She had accidentally drawn blood when she had dug her claws in it, but it was still edible. She carried it in her mouth but dropped it when she heard flapping wings. Goldenflow saw a large bird pinned down by Fox.

"Come pin it down while I kill it!" he yowled at her. Goldenflow bounded over and leaped on top of the bird. Fox jumped off and slashed the bird's throat, drawing a lot of blood. The bird fell limp.

"Wow, this will feed everyone!" Goldenflow exclaimed, impressed.

"Yes, but we need to carry it together. It's too big for just one of us." Fox meowed.

"Sure!" Goldenflow agreed.

Rain and Eagle came cantering over to them from the left side of the clearing.

"Did you catch-" Eagle started, but stopped when she saw the bloodied bird.

"We need to get out of here!" Rain cried.

Eagle narrowed her eyes at Fox and Goldenflow. "I thought I told you to not hunt giant birds. Now we need to get out of here before we attract foxes."

Goldenflow's spine bristled in alarm: foxes were deadly enemies.

They carried the bird all the way home. They went as fast as possible. Finally, they arrived at the cave. Redwing was standing guard.

"Wow! That's a huge bird! I've never seen one of those!" she breathed.

"This is a hawk. This bird could kill a cat if it wanted to. Fox and Goldenflow hunted it." Eagle informed.

Redwing's eyes suddenly glistened with a new respect for Goldenflow.

"You're the best friend I could ever have. And bravest." Redwing meowed with awe.

While Eagle, Rain, and Fox carried the hawk into the cave, Goldenflow started to talk with Redwing.

"So, how do you like being a cave guard?" Goldenflow asked.

"It's great! Now I don't need to hang back and hide during an attack! How do you like being a prey-hunter?"

"It's cool: I never got the opportunity to hunt while I was a medicine cat."

Redwing was about to respond when a hiss came from outside the cave. It was a full-grown fox. It must have smelled the blood from the hawk!

"Goldenflow! Get inside! I'm going to defend this Tribe!"

"Are you crazy? I'm going to get Storm and Snow!"

"No! Don't! Can't you see? This is my chance to prove myself to the Tribe!"

Goldenflow ran inside the cave. There was no way that Redwing wouldn't need help. Goldenflow looked back over her shoulder. Redwing was circling the fox, taunting it. There wasn't much time.

"Everyone! Fox attack! Someone get Storm and Snow!"

Rain jumped up and ran to the back of the cave. Meanwhile, Skywatcher was looking up at the hole at the top of the cave with a worried expression.

"What's wrong?" Goldenflow inquired.

Skywatcher turned towards her, gaze darkened. "The Tribe of Endless Hunting has made it clear: it's going to storm. Right now."

Warriors Super Edition: Goldenflow's Grief book #1 DISASTER WAITING SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now