💛Chapter 7💛

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When Goldenflow woke up that morning, she realized that the camp was dead silent. She patted out of the medicine den only to shiver. The sky was dark grey and had no trace of sunlight.

"Hello? Where is everyone?"

There was no reply. Only whispers sounded through the breeze. Then, Goldenflow saw Silvershore.


It was a dream. Thank StarClan!

Silvershore didn't speak. Instead, a small figure emerged from the shadows of the camp. Goldenflow's breath caught in her throat. It was Dawnpaw!

"Dawnpaw? What are you doing here?"

Dawnpaw blinked her blue eyes at her.

"My name is Dawnlight now. I drowned before they could take me. I am with StarClan now."

Goldenflow didn't know how to feel about that. How will I tell Mothstar and Aquastorm?

"I know what you are planning to do," Dawnlight meowed. "You don't want to make the journey alone. But either way, you will have to."

"What do you mean? And why are you acting so wise? I remember when you were an eager apprentice..."

Dawnlight didn't answer. Instead, she started fading.

"Wait! Don't play your StarClan tricks on me! I don't deserve this!"

But it was hopeless. Dawnlight was gone. Ugh, StarClan is so frustrating. Like they want to worn you about something, but they don't. What?

Goldenflow felt a tail on her shoulder. She spun around. It was her sister.

"Goldenflow. You must follow the path that suits you. Not anyone else."

"What does that even mean?"

But Silvershore was fading with everything else.


"Someone! Help!"

Goldenflow's eyes snapped open. She recognized that voice. It was Sweetpelt. The Clan was already gathered around Sweetpelt.

"What's happening?" Fishpelt's voice called.

Sweetpelt's voice was trembling. "Goldenflow said that my kits would be arriving any time now, so I went to tell Sunfur, my mate. But when I stepped inside the warriors den, I couldn't find him. But I found him by the side of the lake - dead!"

Horrified gasps came from everyone. Sunfur was a great deputy. And the gathering was coming up. Mothstar in particular looked shaken.

"We must retrieve his body immediately. Seabreeze, Waterfoot, and Firepool, go fetch his body and look for any clumps of fur. Be wary: the murderer could still be around." Mothstar warned. She turned toward Redwhisker and Thornwillow. "You two, comfort Sweetpelt. She's still in shock. And her kitting could happen anytime."

The two warriors nodded and patted towards Sweetpelt.

"Hey! What can we do? We wanna help the Clan!"

It was Toothpaw and Duskpaw.

"How about this: You guys can go on a patrol to look for Dawnpaw. Aquastorm will join you."

Duskpaw's excitement faded into grief. Mothstar noticed.

"You can go now if you want."

Aquastorm and the two apprentices cantered out of camp.

"The sooner you find Dawnpaw the better!" Mothstar called after them. "For all of us," she added under her breath. Goldenflow let out a purposeful cough. Mothstar's eyes widened when she saw that Saptail and Goldenflow were still waiting for their orders.

"Saptail, you can go to the nursery with Willowfur, Yellowtail, and soon Sweetpelt. Your kits should be coming anytime now."

Saptail nodded and bounded towards the nursery, leaving Goldenflow with a shocked expression.

"Saptail is expecting kits?! I never confirmed that!" Goldenflow protested with disbelief.

Mothstar nodded. "I know it wasn't you. It was Rushingpaw. He told us when you were gone."

Goldenflow couldn't believe it. Her apprentice knew that Saptail was expecting kits but never told her!


Mothstar looked taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"Why didn't he tell me?"

"I don't know... maybe it's because their Waterfoot's kits?"

"WHAT? Saptail mated with Waterfoot and didn't tell me!?"

"You know, I advise talking to Saptail about this."

"You know what? That's exactly what I'm going to do!"

Goldenflow stalked off toward the nursery.

"SAPTAIL! GET OUT HERE!" she roared, loud enough for the whole Clan to hear. Cats started to gather over to Goldenflow.

Saptail emerged from the nursery, along with the three other queens who hung back with curious, scared, and puzzled expressions. "What's wrong, Goldenflow?"

"You want to know what's wrong? That you didn't tell me that you mated with Waterfoot that's what!"

"Oh. That. I was scared to tell you. I know you hate Waterfoot."

"Didn't you think that I'd find out eventually? I am a medicine cat after all! Those kits shouldn't even live!!!" Goldenflow snarled. Saptail growled back and unsheathed her claws.

"How dare you say that my kits shouldn't live!" Saptail lunged at Goldenflow.

That's when Goldenflow saw it: Saptail's belly convulsed. Her kits were here.

Goldenflow dodged Saptail's lunge. Saptail landed hard on the ground. She let out a shriek of pure pain.

"Someone help me! The kits are coming!"

Goldenflow glanced around. The three queens were frozen with shock, the elders had their jaws gaping open, and Mothstar was staring helplessly. All the warriors had left camp. Wait, where's Rushingpaw, that traitor of an apprentice? Oh yeah, he's delivering catmint to ShadowClan. Just perfect.

Saptail was yowling in pure agony. Her belly convulsed, and a small kit appeared. Willowfur ran up to it and started licking furiously. After a few moments, she let out a yowl of triumph.

"It's breathing! And it's a she-cat!"

Yellowtail ran over when Saptail pushed out another kit. Yellowtail did the same thing and announced:

"It's a tom!"

A third kit came out. Great StarClan, how many kits are there?

"It's another she-cat!" came Sweetpelt's voice.

After a forth kit came out, Saptail stopped yowling in pain. She was bleeding heavily.

"And the last one is a tom again!" Willowfur exclaimed. "We need to get these kits in the nursery!"

Saptail stared up at Goldenflow with pleading eyes. "Please help me. I'm so sorry for how I had kits with Waterfoot."

"No, I'm the one that should be sorry. I was being a fox-heart. Can you forgive me?"

Saptail nodded weekly.

"Alright, now I need to get you some cobwebs and borage leaves. I'll be right back."

As much as Goldenflow was mad before, she couldn't watch her best friend die. Not now, not ever.

Warriors Super Edition: Goldenflow's Grief book #1 DISASTER WAITING SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now