💛Chapter 8💛

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"There! You're all fixed up! Just try not to move much okay? And take these borage leaves."

Goldenflow was in a good mood again. She still mourned for Sunfur, the lost deputy. Goldenflow was nervous to know who was the new deputy. It was almost moonhigh.

Saptail blinked gratefully at her. "Thank you so much. I'm sorry that I overreacted before."

Goldenflow shook her head. "It was all me. I just hate when cats talk about pitying me just because I lost my sister."

Saptail nodded. "I understand. That's why you're still mad at Waterfoot huh?"

"Yeah, and I'm nervous that he'll be appointed deputy."

"You know, maybe you two should talk to each other. Maybe you can resolve your conflict."

Goldenflow was caught off guard. "You mean just go up to him?"

"Why not? It can't hurt. And if he refuses to say anything, then he's just a fox-heart."

"Wow, someone's talking bad about their mate!"

Saptail rolled her eyes. "Oh stop you!" she exclaimed amusingly. "But just try to talk to him, okay?" she pleated, in a serious tone.

"Alright fine. But if something goes wrong, then I'm blaming you."

Saptail chuckled. "Now that's the Goldenflow I know."

Goldenflow watched her friend leave. Then a thought popped into her head.

"Hey, Saptail! Can I see your kits?"

Saptail stopped and turned around.

"Of course silly! Come with me!"

Goldenflow bounded eagerly after her.


All three queens hissed furiously when Goldenflow stepped into the nursery.

"Are you done with your conflict?" Willowfur snarled.

"Yeah, we had to do your job yesterday! I wouldn't be surprised if you would have left Saptail's kits to die!" Yellowtail hissed.

Sweetpelt looked the most aggressive.

"Are you going to do the same thing with my kits?" she questioned, her voice dangerously low.

"No. I'm truly sorry for my behavior before."

"Just don't do it again." Sweetpelt mewed, her voice calm again.

"Do you guys have any problems?"

Willowfur stood up. "Yeah, my daughter is missing!" she cried.

"We're doing the best we can." Saptail smoothed.

Willowfur snorted and turned away.

"Do you still want to see my kits?" Saptail asked.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for anything!" Goldenflow replied.

Saptail brought Goldenflow to see four kits huddled together, sleeping.

"Did you name them yet?" Goldenflow inquired.

Saptail nodded. "Yes, I and Waterfoot named them just before."

She turned and gestured to a blue-grey she-cat.

"That's Streamkit."

"Nice name."

"And this is Splashkit," Saptail said while gesturing to a blueish she-cat.

"This is Fluffkit," Saptail introduced while looking at an orange tom. "We named him that because he was so fluffy."

Saptail sighed and looked at an orange tom. "And this is Pufferkit."

"Those are beautiful names, Saptail. And I'm certain that they'll grow to be the best warriors in RiverClan." Goldenflow praised.

"I sure hope so."

"May all cats old enough to swim gather underneath the willow tree for a Clan meeting!" Mothstar's voice echoed throughout the camp.

Goldenflow patted towards the willow tree with Saptail right behind her.

"Mothstar better hurry - it's almost moonhigh!" Saptail whispered.

Mothstar waited until every cat was gathered, then started to speak.

"I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors and Sunfur may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of RiverClan is Waterfoot."
Goldenflow's worst nightmare had come true, but she didn't feel afraid. Not anymore.
Waterfoot's eyes went wide with surprise. He patted over to the roots of the willow tree. "RiverClan, I never expected to achieve deputyship. But now that I have, I promise to keep serving RiverClan more than ever before."
"Whaterfoot! Waterfoot! Waterfoot!" Cheers rang through the Clan.
"I also have another thing to announce," Mothstar spoke. "Fishpelt, is Duskpaw ready to become a warrior?"
Fishpelt nodded. "He is."
Duskpaw's eyes went wide with surprise.
"I, Mothstar, leader of RiverClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Duskpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Duskpaw didn't hesitate. "I do." "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Duskpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Duskclaw. StarClan honors your determination and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan."
"Duskclaw! Duskclaw! Duskclaw!" the Clan cheered.
Duskclaw's eyes shone with happiness, Willowfur couldn't look more proud, and in that moment, Goldenflow thought that life was fine. If only it was...

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