💛Chapter 12💛

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"I feel as if I've been walking forever!" Redwing moaned.

A few days have passed since Goldenflow and Redwing left the lake and they haven't run into any green grass yet.

"Me too. But no one said it would be easy." Goldenflow panted.

"Well, I'm tired. Hey, look! There's a sheltered spot underneath that tree!" Redwing exclaimed.

"Hey, isn't it odd that there are green leaves growing on it?" Goldenflow questioned.

Redwing blinked. "You're right: that is odd."

"Wait! What if it's a sign? What if we need to go this way?" Goldenflow suggested.

"Could be."

"And look! There's a cave!"

Redwing twitched her whiskers nervously. "What if something lives in there?"

Silvershore's voice whispered, "It is safe." In Goldenflow's ear.

"It's safe: I know it."

Redwing gave her a suspicious look but said nothing. "Fine, you can go first."

Goldenflow shrugged. "Fine by me."

Goldenflow patted into the cave. She gasped when she saw it was so long.

"You can come in! It's safe!" Goldenflow called over her shoulder.

A few moments later, Redwing trotted in and amazement flashed in her eyes.

This is perfect for shelter! And there's the stream right outside to drink!"

Goldenflow nodded in agreement: it really was perfect.

"Hey! Look! There's a hole above us!" Redwing cried.

Goldenflow looked up. A hole, about the size of her, lay above them. The sky showed clearly through it.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar scent washed over her. Goldenflow sniffed the air. It smelled familiar, but at the same time, different.

"Do you smell that?" Goldenflow asked Redwing.

Redwing sniffed the air. She nodded. But then her face turned to anxiety as she looked at the ground ahead.

"Look! Pawprints! Other cats have been here. And by the scent, recently. Maybe we should get out of here. We don't know if these inhabitants are friendly."

"Not so fast!" A voice called from ahead. A stranger stepped in front of them. It was a grey tom with green eyes.

Goldenflow looked to see Redwing trembling beside her.

"What are you doing here?" the stranger asked.

Goldenflow was about to speak but Redwing spoke first.

"We're so sorry! It's just that we're outcasts to our Clans and we have nowhere to stay! We didn't know you lived here! We don't even know your name! Our names are Redwing and Goldenflow!"

The stranger blinked. "I'm sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Skywatcher and I'm the Healer of The Tribe of Clear Skies."

Redwing turned towards Goldenflow.

"Another Tribe? I've heard of The Tribe of Rushing Water, but I've never heard of this Tribe. And whatever a 'healer' is." She whispered.

Goldenflow nodded in agreement.

Skywatcher continued to speak.

"In respect, I will introduce you to the rest of the Tribe." He beckoned a tortoiseshell she-cat forward. The tortoiseshell bowed in greeting.

"My name is Rain That Comes When Clouds Are Grey."

Goldenflow and Redwing nodded in greeting.

Next, was a black tom that looked grumpy.

"My name is Storm That Is Filled With Fury."

What kind of name is that? Goldenflow asked herself.

After Storm left, a beautiful golden she-cat appeared.

"My name is Eagle That Takes Flight."

Goldenflow noticed that there were only two more cats left to introduce. Were all Tribes small like this?

Second to last, a reddish tom that reminded Goldenflow of Redwhisker at home stepped up to them.

"My name is Fox That Hides When Hunted."

And finally, another tom with a white pelt approached them.

"My name is Snow That Comes Crashing Down From Mountain."

"That's it?" Redwing asked. "There's no one else?"

Skywatcher sighed deeply.

"Our Tribe is under mysterious conditions. I and my Tribemates have seen shadows of cats walk around us. Our cats are disappearing."

Goldenflow gasped. "So you've seen them too? And they've taken your cats?"

Skywatcher jerked back. "Yes. By your names, I'm guessing you've come a long way. If you've seen them too, then this is serious. And there's only one hope: we must find the holy flower."

Redwing tilted her head. "What's that?"

"It's an ancient flower used by us to ward off evil. I hadn't used it yet because I didn't think it was necessary. But now it's time, and it's our only hope."

Warriors Super Edition: Goldenflow's Grief book #1 DISASTER WAITING SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now