💛Chapter 3💛

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"How long have you been there?"

The question echoed in Dawnpaw's mind. Goldenflow was standing up, her golden fur bristling.

"Long enough to see you were communicating with a StarClan warrior!"

Goldenflow sighed. "That was my sister. She died in a terrible fire a few moons ago."

"Oh... I was only a kit then. But that was so cool! Do all medicine cats get to do that?"

"Yes... in a way. Every half-moon all the medicine cats in the Clans must go to the Moonpool to share tongues with StarClan."

"Wow, that sounds so cool! Can I be your apprentice?"

Goldenflow chuckled. "I'm sorry, but I already have an apprentice. In fact, here he comes now."

The bushes rustled and a grey-blue tom with brown stripes came out.

"Yuck! He smells terrible!"

"That's because of the mouse-bile," Goldenflow replied. "All cats hate the smell," she turned towards the medicine cat apprentice. He was washing his paws in a hole in the ice frozen across the stream. "His name is Rushingpaw by the way,"

Dawnpaw suddenly felt a pang of envy. While she had to do boring hunting missions, they got to speak to StarClan!

"Does he accompany you to the Moonpool?"

"Of course."

"Does he speak to StarClan?"


Dawnpaw knew that Goldenflow was getting tired of her questions. But she just needed to ask one more.

"When's the next time that you're going to the Moonpool?"

"Tomorrow. We leave at mid-day."

"Goldenflow! Do you know where- Oh! There you are Dawnpaw! I was getting worried."

Dawnpaw inwardly groaned. It was her mentor, Aquastorm. Aquastorm was a very boring mentor in Dawnpaw's opinion. She'd much prefer if Goldenflow was her mentor.

"Yes, Aquastorm?"

"Come on! We're going to do some battle training! I know you like that!"

"I do?"


Dawnpaw took one more glance at Goldenflow and then left to the training hollow with her mentor.


When Dawnpaw arrived at the training hollow, she was delighted to see her brother, Duskpaw, was also there. He was training with Fishpelt, his mentor. The older brown long-haired tom was teaching him some kind of advanced move. Dawnpaw wasn't great at fighting. But her cleverness made up for it.

"Dawnpaw! Today I will teach you the claw-up swipe move."

Aquastorm demonstrated it by rearing up her hind legs and swiping upwards. Dawnpaw sighed. It was going to be a long day.

Warriors Super Edition: Goldenflow's Grief book #1 DISASTER WAITING SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now