💛Chapter 2💛

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"Rushingpaw! Can you bring me some blackberry leaves?" The apprentice nodded and patted into the shadows of the medicine den. Goldenflow looked at the swollen wound on Firepool's leg. "How did you get this anyway?" she questioned. Firepool winced as Goldenflow licked the injury. "There was something sharp at the bottom of the stream," he said right before he cried in pain. Goldenflow rolled her eyes. How her clanmates delt with his annoyance is beyond her. "Oh please, I've seen better reactions with worse wounds." She stopped licking. "There, now all I need are the blackberry leaves," Her ears perked up as she heard Rushingpaw returning. "Thanks." Goldenflow started to chew the leaves. Once she was finished, she spat it out on the wound and started rubbing it on it. Firepool gasped in pain. As she ignored Firepool's exasperation, she asked Rushingpaw, "Are you nervous for battle-training tomorrow?" Rushingpaw nodded. "Yeah, at least I'll be training with Waterfoot," Goldenflow's eyes widened in shock. She stopped rubbing. "Really? That's great! I'm sure Waterfoot will be a great temporary mentor," she replied, trying not to show anger. Goldenflow hadn't forgotten their fight yesterday. Oh Silvershore, I wish you were here right now. "Can I leave now?" Firepool's voice crashed into her thoughts. "No, not yet. You shouldn't use your leg yet," Goldenflow turned to Rushingpaw. "Can you see that he gets some rest here? I need to go wash my paws," Rushingpaw nodded. "Of course. You can count on me." Not tomorrow, Goldenflow thought sadly. She would miss her apprentice.

Goldenflow patted out of the medicine den only to shut her eyes against the bright sun. Even though the sun was bright, it was quite chilly outside. When she opened her eyes, she even saw some patches of snow on the ground. Leaf-bare is coming, Goldenflow thought. StarClan have mercy on us.


Goldenflow blinked to see Saptail, Seabreeze, Aquastorm, and Dawnpaw returning from a hunting patrol. Dismay passed through her when she saw that they hardly had any fresh kill. Just two squirrels. Goldenflow patted over to hear Aquastorm say, "Take this to the elders will you, Dawnpaw?" Aquastorm flicked her tail at the two squirrels. Dawnpaw nodded and bounded off to the elders den. "Mouse-dung! I can't believe the stream froze over already!" Saptail exclaimed. Seabreeze whispered something to Aquastorm and both of them headed to Sunfur at the other side of camp. Saptail acknowledged their leaving with a flick of her ear. She focused her gaze on Goldenflow.

"Goldenflow, I wanted to talk to you..."

Saptail shuffled her paws uncomfortably. Goldenflow suddenly felt concerned about her friend. They had been friends since kithood, and Goldenflow wanted to do everything in her power to help her.

"Can we talk somewhere private?"


The two patted to the back of the medicine den, where it was quiet. Goldenflow sat down and stared at Saptail. "So... what do you want to talk to me about?" It took moments for Saptail to say something. "Can you promise not to tell anyone about this?"

"Of course! I promise."

"Alright... I guess it's obvious that I have feelings for Waterfoot right?"

Goldenflow couldn't suppress a gasp of shock. Not in seasons would she have guessed that Saptail was in love with Waterfoot! Ugh, next thing she's going to ask me is to give her love advice!

"Not to me," Goldenflow told her bluntly. "I never would have guessed!"

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"I don't know! You tell me!"

"Saptail! Where are you? Do you want to share some fresh kill with us?"

"Yeah! Redwhisker just brought in a juicy mouse!"

Saptail groaned. "Now that would be Seabreeze and Aquastorm- I've got to go." She jumped up and patted away. "See you later!" Goldenflow called after her.


After what felt like moons, Goldenflow finally arrived at the stream. Saptail was right: The stream was frozen over. Luckily, Goldenflow spotted a hole in the ice. Her paws felt numb as they were under the freezing water. Noticing her reflection in the water, she realized that she looked gloomy. Is this what everyone sees? Is this why no one wants to talk to me? Suddenly, she saw a familiar reflection appear next to hers. It was her sister!


A pelt brushed Goldenflow. She turned to the right of her and saw a beautiful silver she-cat with blue eyes. "You're actually here..." Goldenflow trailed off. Her sister gave her a nod. "I'll always be here, sister," Silvershore's voice sounded melodic. It made Goldenflow feel as if she never had to worry again in life. "I will be watching over you... no matter where you are." Silvershore's figure began to fade.

"No! Wait! Please stay!"

But it was no use. Her sister was gone. Goldenflow turned around to see Dawnpaw sitting there with her jaw gaping open.

"How long have you been there?"

Warriors Super Edition: Goldenflow's Grief book #1 DISASTER WAITING SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now