💛Chapter 16💛

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Goldenflow laid next to Fox, enjoying the quiet. She noticed that the rain had stopped since she fell asleep. She yawned, slowly standing up, waking Fox up in the process.

"Is it morning already?" he mumbled.

"No, it's nighttime stupid furball," Goldenflow retorted, looking at the stars in the sky.

At first, Goldenflow thought nothing was wrong, but then the previous events rushed into her mind. Her best friend dying, Skywatcher being a fox-heart, and how everything went wrong. But now that she thinks about it, Fox was the one that did this. He was the one who killed the hawk. And she decided to help him. What kind of friend am I?

"Earth to Golden That Flows Through The stream!" Fox's voice startled her.


Fox lashed his tail impatiently. "I want to tell you something."


Fox sighed. "Don't take this the wrong way, but ever since I saw you, I knew you were right."

Goldenflow blinked. "What do you mean?"

"What I'm saying is that would you like to be my mate?"

Goldenflow felt an imaginary arrow pierce her heart. She was truely a medicine cat at heart. How could she take a mate? But she felt the same way about Fox: he was a truly worthy mate. Oh, StarClan, please forgive me.


Fox blinked with happiness. "Really? You have no idea how happy I feel right now!"

Goldenflow twitched her whiskers in amusement. "I think I do."

Fox suddenly turned serious. "You know that we have to go back to the Tribe right?"

Goldenflow sighed. "Yes, I know."

"Are we going right now?"

"Yes. I'm not afraid of Skywatcher." Goldenflow replied.

"Well, let's go then."


The Tribe cats stared in surprise as Goldenflow trotted into the cave.

"Golden That Flows Through The stream! I thought you had left forever!" Rain exclaimed happily.

"No, I'm back. And please call me Goldenflow."

Rain nodded. "Alright, Goldenflow."

"Fox! Where have you been?" a terribly familiar voice snapped.

Fox hung his head. "I went to comfort Goldenflow."

Skywatcher's eyes flashed. "And why?"

Fox lifted his head to stare into the Healer's eyes. "Because I love her."

Skywatcher was speachless. Finally, he managed to say, "What? How could you love a Clan cat?"

"Do you have a problem with that? Because if you do, then you can talk to me!" Fox snarled.

"I don't have time for this. I have news to announce." Skywatcher growled.

Fox stepped back and put his tail on Goldenflow's shoulder protectively.

"Tribe of Clear Skies! I'm afraid that I have grave news." Skywatcher yowled.

The Tribe cats started murmuring to one another anxiously.

"I'm afraid the darkness has gotten to the holy flower already. We are too late." Skywatcher finished.

Cats started panicking. Fox turned to her with a scared look.

"Now nothing can save us."

Warriors Super Edition: Goldenflow's Grief book #1 DISASTER WAITING SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now