1 Don't make a scene

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Damian POV

"Hey Nightmare. How's it going?" I asked Rhea as I looked up from my phone and saw her getting out of the car.

"Hi Priest. Everything's going good. How are you doing? Ready for your match tonight?" she asked and then gave me a quick hug.

"Always. You should know that by now. But you're a little late as usual. Now get moving before we're late for the meeting." I replied before rolling my suitcase towards the back entrance of the arena.

Once inside and after being checked by security I made my way to the locker room. I quickly put my things down before heading to the meeting.

As I walked through the noisy, dark corridors, I could have sworn I saw a familiar face before it disappeared around the next corner. But that was actually not possible. Or at least I hoped it wasn't. Because I was not at all in the mood to see this one person in the near future. Or ever.

A few hours later we were just on the way to the workout before the show, when I saw something again. And this time there was no doubt. It was indeed her. Blair. In a very lively and seemingly fun conversation with Dolph.

He held her hands in his while she giggled at something he whispered in her ear.

Apparently Rhea saw my expression, because she immediately stood in front of me and pushed me back a bit with one hand on my chest.

"Don't make a scene." she warned me while looking at me sternly.

"What the hell is she doing here?" I growled.

"I don't know and it's none of your business anymore. Just stay out of each others way." she retorted.

But right at that moment, Blair looked up and our eyes met. Immediately, her expression froze almost as if she was mirroring mine.

"What are you doing here, Blair?" I asked aloud.

"What do you think? I'm working here. But don't worry about it. It's just for substitution. I'm no more interested in seeing you than you are in seeing me." she replied.

"Yeah right... It's kind of convenient, isn't it? I bet you were happy when the call came." I said as I took a few steps closer to her.

"Yes, of course. After all, it gives me a chance to visit someone I haven't seen in a long time. But don't get any ideas... I don't mean you." she replied.

"Sure... just tell yourself that." I chuckled and could literally hear Rhea's eyes rolling behind me.

"Hey... how are you talking to her? Better back off man!" said Dolph, standing in front of me.

"Or what?" I asked as I looked down at him.

"Dolph, he's not worth it. It's better if you leave. I'll see you later." said Blair as she grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

He looked back and forth between us a few times before giving her a kiss on the cheek and then leaving.

"Rhea, you should go too," I said without taking my eyes off Blair for a second.

I knew she was considering if this was a good idea, but eventually she left.

"You're showing really strange behavior for someone who claims not to be jealous." said Blair eventually.

"Please. I'm not jealous. And certainly not of a guy like Dolph Ziggler. I just didn't think that was your type. A real downgrade." I replied with a chuckle.

"Well... good thing that's none of your business anymore. Maybe he's a better man because he wouldn't try to change everything about me to fit his lifestyle better." she said angrily.

"I never-" I began.

"Oh yes, you did. You tried to make me a version of yourself. But I don't let myself change just to please someone. I don't pretend to like any music or movies just to please you. You didn't know me, not at all. I am who I am. I have my opinions and an idea of my future. And when you didn't like it, because it didn't fit your vision, you broke up with me.

And because you didn't have the balls to look me in the eye, you did it over the phone. Like a coward. I loved you. But you broke my heart. And now it's no longer any of your fucking concern what I do with my life or how I try to heal my heart," she replied as her voice was first full of anger and then slowly softened until it was finally just a whisper.

Then she turned around and left. She left me standing alone in the hallway. Or so I thought.

"Well... I guess it wasn't a consensual breakup like you claimed. And if I had to bet, I'd say you're no more over it than she is." said Rhea standing leaning against the wall.

"Oh just shut up." I grumbled as I made my way back to the workout.

But the whole thing was bothering me more than I let on.

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