21 Moments

457 21 9

Blair POV

Very carefully I put my hand on my belly as I slowly began to realize what Damian had just told me. We are going to have a baby. I was really pregnant. That was all that was going through my mind.

That was all that was important at this moment. I would have to deal with everything else later. But what Damian told me just now was enough for today.

We couldn't enjoy our happiness for long, because quite quickly nurses and doctors came into my room to examine me. Everyone wanted to make sure that I was really well. But I had something else in mind.

"Can I see my baby? Can we maybe do an ultrasound?" I wanted to know.

Fortunately, I found talking easier with every minute and every sip of water I drank. It was still a little scratchy, but that would go away.

"Of course. We'll take you to the exam room as soon as we're done with your exams. A little patience, Miss McLeod. They're just as important as the baby. Only when you are well, the baby will be well." the doctor replied.

And even if I didn't like it, I had to admit that he was right. I had to think about myself, too.

"I can't wait to see that little someone, either," Damian said softly to me as he took my hand and squeezed it lightly.

"You... you haven't seen it yet?" I asked, surprised.

I had expected him to have been at every scan during the 4 weeks. Obviously, I was wrong about that.

"No... It was hard as hell, but I really wanted to share that moment with you, baby. And no one else knows either except your uncle. You were the first one I wanted to tell." he replied with a proud smile on his face.

I couldn't believe it. What a great man he was. I couldn't even imagine how hard it must have been for him. He had waited a month for me and prayed for me and our baby to be okay. And yet he was so considerate to wait for a special moment so we could share it together.

Tears welled up in my eyes again as I realized how blessed I was at that moment. And at the same time I was totally overwhelmed with the fact that I had missed so much time. It was all... a bit much.

"Hey... Blair take it easy... Everything is fine... are you in pain?" he asked immediately, concerned.

"It's not that... I just can't believe I did this to you. That you had to suffer like that while I was unconscious. I'm so sorry. Just know that I love you and this baby more than anything and that it was never my intention to hurt you." I babbled crying.

"Baby, calm down. It's not your fault and everything will go back to the way it was. I promise you that. You don't have to worry about me. I love you and I'm just happy to have you back. Now I just want to see our baby for the first time and make sure you are okay. And then hopefully you can go home soon," Damian replied as he moved closer to me to soothe me.

He pressed a long kiss on my forehead, then on my nose and lips.

I took a deep breath to relax so that the doctors could do their work and so that Damian wouldn't get upset as well.

Thankfully, all the examinations did not take as long as I had feared. The doctors said that my head would probably hurt for a few more days, because I had to get used to everything around me again. Also, it was necessary that I slowly regain my strength and that would require me to do physical therapy to strengthen my muscles.

But if everything looked good, I would probably be able to leave the hospital before the end of the year.


"All right. Are you both ready to meet your baby?" the doctor asked as he began the ultrasound scan.

"Oh so ready." said Damian, winking at me as he sat next to me.

"Here we are. Everything looks quite excellent. The little darling is doing great. Miss McLeod, you are now 12 weeks along. That means you are almost through the first trimester.

But as soon as you are physically able, we recommend that you move a little more to build up your muscles. The baby is not getting smaller and we need to prepare your body well for this, since you have lost some muscle mass. Apart from that, it is good that you can now eat proper food and nutrients. It's good for you and the baby," he said, but we hardly listened.

Our eyes were fixed on the monitor where we saw the little bean that was our baby. It was already as perfect as I could never have imagined in my life.

But then the moment would become even more perfect when the doctor let us hear the heartbeat for the first time. The rapid thumping was like the most wonderful music to my ears. And a glance at Damian showed me that he was as touched as I was.

Besides my waking up, it was surely the best Christmas present for him. Just like for me. And what was even more beautiful was the fact that I could clearly feel that Mom was with us right now.

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