13 The clock is ticking

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Damian POV

I waited for an answer from Blair as I stared into her face. I still couldn't believe what I had found here. She just couldn't be serious.

"Since you already looked at it, I don't think it needs any further explanation." she finally replied evasively as she walked around me into the kitchen.

"Oh I think it does. What do you need a folder full of information about men for? And please tell me it's not what I think it is..." I said as I followed her.

"It's information about sperm donors who are eligible. I'm in the process of choosing a father for my baby," she explained, still calm even though she wasn't looking at me.

Blair's gaze was fixed on the coffee maker, which she was filling with water. Then she clung to the countertop. I, on the other hand, just stood there. Slowly, what she had just said sank in.

"You can't be serious! You want to have a child by a stranger? Have you lost your mind?" I asked as my voice grew louder.

"D... I told you that I have plans to get what I want and that you won't like it. I want a child. And since I don't have a partner to do that with, I'm going my own way." she said as she finally turned to me.

"But... you can't just skip so many steps. That's not fair to.... I mean... It's not fair to you or a.... Baby. "I replied.

"I tried, Damian. And the only person I could have imagined it with wanted a different life. And yes, I'm talking about you. I don't have any more time to waste. The clock is ticking and it's ticking loudly. I'm 35 years old, almost 36. Pregnancy is already high risk now. With each passing month, the risk of complications for me and a baby increases. Because unlike men, I can't wait until I'm 80.

I'm not going to sit around until my time is up. I'm going to take matters into my own hands and get in vitro fertilized. I don't expect you to like it or even understand it. But I have to think about my future now." she explained to me.

"But... what about me? What about us?" I asked almost stunned by what she just told me.

"I love you, Damian. But I made that decision a while ago. Long before... before I knew we'd be standing here again. What if... what if it doesn't work out this time either? I'm afraid I'll never get what I want so much," Blair replied as tears welled up in her eyes.

Of course, I understood where she was coming from. And to be honest, I had no one to blame but myself. It had been me who had done this to her. I had left her out of fear of exactly what she wanted so much. All at once my anger vanished, leaving nothing behind but sadness and yet comprehension.

I walked toward her. Slowly. With one finger, I lifted her chin so I could look into her tear-filled eyes.

"Please, Blair. Don't do it." I whispered.

"Give me one good reason..." she breathed as she returned my gaze.

"Because I love you... And I want... I want to be the one to give you what you want...Give me the time to convince you." I replied softly.

Then, before she could say anything, I put my hand against her neck and leaned down. I gently brushed my lips over hers. Again and again, before I heard Blair moan softly. That was all I wanted to hear, needed to hear.... 

I pressed my mouth forcefully on hers. Immediately her lips parted and allowed me to deepen the kiss. While our tongues began to play with each other, I simply lifted her up. With one hand under her butt, I carried her back to her bedroom. Blair wrapped her legs around my hips and her arms around my neck. When she ran out of oxygen, she shook her head slightly so that my lips were now running along her neck.

While she hummed in my ear I felt her heart rate quicken. Carefully, I lowered her onto the bed. I straightened up briefly to be able to look at her. Something in me had changed. When I finally said the words, it was as if a knot had loosened inside me.

Blair placed her hands against my cheeks. Her fingertips slowly ran over the skin under my eyes as she looked deep into them.

"Say it again..." she whispered.

"I love you, Blair..." I said.

"I love you too." she replied, pulling my head down to her.

We continued to kiss. Intense... Passionately. Until our breaths became gasps and neither of us could stand it for even a second longer.

Blair reached down and slid her hand inside my boxers. I sucked in a breath as she began to stroke me. I quickly removed the shirt she was wearing, but there wasn't enough patience left for her panties. I simply tore them into pieces so that nothing of her remained hidden from me.

Slowly, yet purposefully, she guided me to her core. I immediately felt the moisture and the heat that radiated from her. It drew me to her like a moth to a flame. I found my way into her body. Immediately I knew how much I had missed her.

A deep, throaty moan escaped Blair as she threw her head back. Her neck was exposed and I couldn't resist. I first pressed my lips to the sensitive spot before my teeth gently scraped the skin.

Her hands grabbed my ass as she tried to pull me closer to her. To feel me deeper inside her. I quickened my thrusts. Faster and faster. Louder and louder. I then rolled over on my back and pulled her on top of me. Without breaking our connection.

I looked deep into her eyes as my hands slid over her soft skin. Slowly they traveled from her butt to her ribs up to her perfect breasts. I clasped them and lightly squeezed her nipples.

She threw her head back and moaned loudly. It seemed like she still loved it. As Blair began to move her hips up and down, I sat up. I took her breast into my mouth. I sucked in as much of it as I could.

The tip of my tongue ran over her nipple as now her movements became faster as well. With a few final motions, she pulled us both over the edge.

We gasped and moaned as we clung to each other like this. I grabbed her chin so I could kiss this woman. She put her hand on the back of my neck to keep me where I was. Neither of us wanted this moment to end.

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