27 On the way

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Damian POV

"Come on, D.... let me help you." my wife said as she watched me set up the furniture that was still missing for our little princess.

"No, that's out of the question. The doctor told you to take it easy. I can handle it." I replied as I looked over at her.

Blair was sitting in the rocking chair that had been delivered with the other stuff this morning, pouting as she gently stroked her bump. By now we were only two weeks away from the due date and with each hour my nervousness increased. But at the same time I could hardly wait to hold our little one in my arms for the first time.

"It's not fair that you have to do everything. I want to help." she said then.

"You did. You washed all the clothes and the bedding. You framed the pictures and you can decorate everything when I'm done," I told her.

A glance over at her showed me that she was anything but happy about it. She puckered her mouth, but didn't say anything else. Probably because she couldn't think of a good argument.

"Okay, Mr. Priest... You win." she finally surrendered and then tried to get up from the rocking chair.

"Could I have a little help?" she asked rather quickly.

"Why of course Mrs Priest. Why don't you take a nice nap, baby?" said I, getting up from the floor to help her.

"I like the sound of that. But first, I'm going to make us lunch. Little Miss is hungry! How do you feel about burgers?" she wanted to know as she held onto my hands.

"Sounds good to me. I'll be with you in a bit. This shouldn't take too much longer." I said and gave her a kiss on the nose, then on the lips before giving our daughter a kiss as well.

However, I guess the baby didn't think that was appropriate because immediately she tried to kick me through her Mami's skin.

"Hey, Priest-y baby, that wasn't nice." I said to her and then gave her another kiss.

"Don't take it personally, Papi. I told you she was hungry." Blair laughed.

"True. And on top of that she definitely has your sass." I replied.

"Well... if that's really the case, then you're in really serious trouble, babe." she giggled.

"Probably. But now go get you and Miss Evie something to eat before the next Roundhouse Kick knocks me out," I said before giving her another kiss.

And with that, Blair headed to the kitchen to get everything ready for lunch while I set up the changing table and inserted the drawers. That was the last piece of furniture. And when it was in place I let my eyes wander around the room. It really looked perfect. The furniture we had chosen together matched the crib seamlessly.

The special touch were some of Blair's favorite photos that she had enlarged and framed. There were pictures she had taken herself, pictures of her mom and pictures from our wedding. Each of these pictures held special memories and I was sure that one day we would tell each of these stories to the little one.

"D? Can you please come?" I suddenly heard my wife call out.

I immediately followed her voice, but as I entered the kitchen, I slipped on a wet spot on the floor. Just in time I was able to hold on to the countertop to avoid landing on the floor.

"Woah..." I gasped.

"Are you okay?" she wanted to know.

I looked up and saw her holding her baby bump while looking at me worriedly.

"Yeah sure.... Why is the floor wet?" I asked.

"Because my water broke. Evie is on her way." she replied, looking down at herself.

Only then did I notice that her gray sweatpants were just as wet as the floor. And that meant it was time. This big dream would now become reality.

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