30 A change of heart

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Blair POV

I sat next to Damian on our bed as he had Miss Evie on his pulled up knees. She held both his thumbs tightly and cooed and giggled at the noises her Papi was making. She especially loved it when he blew bubbles on her little tummy or kissed her tiny fingers.

I myself couldn't get enough of seeing the two of them together. I almost always had the camera ready to capture these beautiful moments forever. And D also tried his best to take beautiful photos of me with our daughter. I had to admit that he was getting better and better and so some of my favorite pictures were taken.

"Oh such a big girl... oh such a sweet angel! Papi loves you so much you little sunshine." Damian cooed in a higher voice.

It was adorable. My big, strong, tough husband was just a softy in the end, too. He had a heart of gold, that much was certain. And he was completely absorbed in his role as a father. Even though that had scared him so much a while ago that he almost missed out on this experience in his life.

"Mami loves you, too, Miss Evie. Even if Papi doesn't like to share when he's home." I laughed as I pressed a kiss to his shoulder before leaning my head against it.

"I know, I know. But I just feel like I miss so much when I'm not around. You have her with you all week." he said almost defensively.

"That wasn't an accusation, babe. I love how in love you are with her. But I hope it's still okay if we go out tonight," I replied.

"It is. Even though I'm a little hesitant. It's the first time neither of us will be with her." Damian said, then gave me a kiss on the hair.

"Rhea can handle it. I'm going to miss Evie as much as you will. But it's just as important that we do something for us. As a couple. I don't want us to lose touch with each other." I explained to him, tickling my daughter's belly.

"We won't. I promise. Then I guess we should get ready, huh?" he replied.

"Yes. Will you get Evie's bottle warmed up? Then I can get myself ready. You know... The whole hair and makeup routine to impress my husband," I smirked.

"I'm always impressed with you, baby." he replied.

"Oh wait with that until you see the new dress." I said and then made my way to the bathroom, but not without giving the baby and my husband another kiss.


Damian POV

After watching Blair disappear into the bathroom I made my way to the kitchen with the baby to heat up her dinner.

She was such a happy baby, but I still couldn't quite believe she was actually real.

"Slow down sweetheart... No one's taking it away from you." I said gently as Evie began to drink. 

As always, she had both hands on the bottle as if fearing it would be taken away before she was finished.

I watched in awe as she drank. And it didn't take long for her eyes to get heavy. Before she fell asleep I burped her before cradling her in my arms as we went into the nursery to get her ready for bed.

And since she loved to sleep on my or her Mami's chest, we went back to the bedroom where I lay down on the bed with her. I wanted to enjoy a few more minutes.

This was the hardest part when I was away so much. Leaving my girls alone at home.

As I lay there waiting for Blair, I couldn't help but think back to how much one decision could affect my whole life. Never in my life had I thought it possible that my life could be so much richer. I thought I had everything I needed. Boy was I wrong.

After I was sure Evie was sound asleep, I put her in her bassinet and swaddled her. I could have sworn I saw a little smile on her lips.

I would have loved to spend more time looking at her. But I should get ready, too. Rhea would be there soon. And Blair was right. We needed a night out just for us.

"How do I look?" asked Blair quietly as the door from the bathroom opened.

And I'm not exaggerating when I say that my jaw almost landed on the floor.

My God, she looked beautiful. I mean she always looked beautiful, but.... Damn! My wife looked like a freaking model.

She wore a tight white dress that accentuated her post-baby curves. Those hips! That butt! Wow! It had a high neckline and was sleeveless, but made up for it with a low cut back. The dress ended just above her knee, but the black high heels made her legs look endless.

Blair wore her hair in big waves and the makeup was as elegant as the whole look. I really hoped that the deep red lipstick was transfer proof. Because already I could resist her lips only with difficulty.

"Wow, baby! If you're trying to give me a heart attack, I can tell you're close," I finally replied when I remembered she had asked me a question.

"Thanks, D. I'll take it as a compliment. I wanted to look good next to my stunning husband." said Blair as she slowly walked toward me.

Her hips swayed in a rhythm that almost hypnotized me. Then she stretched up to give me a little kiss.

"I love you." she said softly.

"I love you too, baby. I hope you know what you're doing with this outfit. We may very well end the evening growing the family," I replied as I put a hand on her bare back to keep her close to me.

"Mmmh...that doesn't sound like the worst plan. But first we'll enjoy a nice candlelight dinner. After that, you'll get the best dessert." she murmured to me.

"It's very tempting to just cancel Rhea and devour you right away," I retorted.

"Oh I know..." she whispered as she reached out to me again.

Our lips were about to meet when the doorbell rang. Rhea really needed to work on her timing. But there was nothing wrong with enjoying a night out. 

As Blair walked to the door, my gaze followed her. And once again I began to dream. But this time I knew she would always be by my side and I didn't have to just fantasize about it. I had had a change of heart at the right time and with a little push in the right direction. And that change of heart was the best decision of my life.... A decision that had made me a husband and a father. 

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