16 No way

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Damian POV

I was on my way to the ring where we were going to rehearse today's match when my phone rang. I looked and was not a bit surprised to see that it was Blair. I quickly answered it. Even after a few days I missed my girl a lot. Good thing it was back home tonight.

"Hi baby. How are you doing beautiful?" I asked.

"Hi D. I'm doing fine. I just wanted to hear how things were going with you guys. I'm about to go to the store to get flowers before I go visit mom. After that I have to go to work because we have an off schedule meeting. I hope it won't be that long and I can pick you up from the airport on time." She replied cheerfully.

"I'm on my way to rehearsal right now. So your timing is perfect. What's the meeting about? What's so important that it can't wait?" I wanted to know.

"I don't know. Maybe the management doesn't like the promo photos. Or maybe there's a new merchandise line that needs to be photographed as soon as possible for the website. I don't know." said Blair and I could tell she was annoyed.

"Don't worry about it, baby. It's just the two of us tonight and I think you could talk me into giving you a nice long massage." I replied with a smirk.

"A massage? Is that what we're calling it now?" she asked with a laugh.

"Not what I had in mind, but I'm definitely not going to disagree with you," I said.

We talked for a moment until it was time for both of us to attend to our tasks.

I had barely finished the call when my eyes fell on Rhea. She was standing with her shoulder leaning against a wall, her arms crossed over her chest while she had this weird look on her face.

"Why are you looking so smug?" I asked.

"Oh I just remembered you owe me a huge thank you. But don't worry... a big gift basket will do the trick." she smirked.

"What are you talking about?" I wanted to know.

"Hello? I deserve a reward for you being back with Blair and things between you being better than ever. And you have me to thank for that," she replied.

"Is it possible that you're going to harp on it forever, or is there the slightest chance you won't mention it again if I get you a gift?" I asked.

"Oh, I think you know the answer to that question better than anyone," she smirked.

Rhea was right, of course. I knew full well I'd have to listen to it for all eternity about what a jerk I was and how she verbally whooped my ass.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. But I knew the subject was anything but over.


The hours passed and now it wasn't long until the show. I was just putting on my ring gear when Hunter surprisingly came into the locker room.

"I need to talk to Damian alone. Everyone else out." he said in a firm voice.

"What's going on?" I asked as I noticed the serious look on his face.

My first thought was that I had somehow messed up. But I couldn't imagine what.

"Sit down, please." he continued.

I did as he said and then waited for him to continue. It took quite a while, though. Hunter took a deep breath before he began to speak.

"I just got a call from Shawn. He told me that a Trent McLeod called him... about Blair. I think he's her uncle and didn't know how to reach you. She was in a car accident on the way home from the meeting. Apparently right on the street in front of the Performance Center. She's in surgery right now.

I have a car waiting outside to take you to the airport. You're excused from work until we know how she is. I know no one had a chance to stop you anyway. So go, but keep us posted, okay. And I'm sorry," he explained to me.

I jumped to my feet when he said that. But part of me refused to believe a word of what he was saying. It just wasn't possible. Was this some kind of sick joke? She had to be okay. Blair couldn't be hurt. No way.

Slowly it sank in what possible consequences this... this accident could have. One more cruel than the other.

I couldn't lose her. I had just gotten her back. We wanted to have a baby. Nowhere in our plan was losing her.

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