25 A million times

385 22 13

Blair POV

"Come on! I've waited long enough. Please tell me where we're going!" I whined as Damian led me to the car after a grand breakfast.

"All right... You've shown great patience, my darling. I can tell you the next part. You now have an appointment for manicure, pedicure and hair and makeup while I prepare the next part of our day. How does that sound?" replied Damian.

"That sounds great and I'm looking forward to it.... But what exactly is the next part?" I probed, unwilling to give up.

"You'll only have to wait two more hours for that. I promise. Trust me, baby." he said before leaning in and giving me a deep kiss to distract me.

And I had to hand it to him. It worked again and again. And he was right. If there were only 2 hours left, I could be patient. Besides, I had to admit that the program he had planned sounded really heavenly. I hadn't done anything like that in ages.

The baby nudged me as if to tell me that Daddy knew what he was doing and that I should just go with it. Like the two of them were in cahoots. I think it was safe to say that our daughter was already very much like her father.

Damian accompanied me to the beauty salon and he had such a special grin on his face that I couldn't really interpret. 

"Okay, baby. Have fun and I'll see you later. I love you. And I love you too, Priest-y baby!" he said, giving me a kiss before bending down and pressing a kiss to my baby bump.


A few hours later I was now ready and waiting for Damian to come and pick me up. But when I turned around because I heard the door, it wasn't Damian standing there smiling at me.

"Rhea? What are you doing here?" I asked as she was already walking towards me.

She laughed, probably at my face before quickly hugging me.

"Oh, I'm here on behalf of D. He asked me to give you this. You should put it on before I take you to him. Don't worry. It's only a 15 minute drive." she then explained to me.

She handed me a shopping bag. A little suspiciously I looked inside and found that it was the red dress we had bought a few weeks ago. I knew it would definitely fit because of the cut, but then I wondered if Damian had more than one reason to tell me I needed it.

One of the women working in the salon showed me where to change. As quickly as I could, I did so, thinking the whole time about what Damian could be up to. I could only think of one explanation... but he wouldn't do that already... would he?

I went back to Rhea and together we went to the car. She was right. The drive really didn't take more than 15 minutes. Nevertheless, my heart was beating up to my throat.

Suddenly, she pulled up the driveway to a gorgeous Spanish-style mansion. I looked over at her in confusion.

"All right... Listen to me carefully. All you have to do is go to the door and knock. And enjoy yourself." Rhea then said as she brought the car to a stop.

I got out and stared at the large double doors for a brief moment. My hand slowly stroked my belly, but the baby was probably asleep because I didn't get an encouraging kick this time.

I slowly climbed the few steps before raising my hand and knocking on the door. It didn't take a second for the doors to open. A beautiful foyer with stairs to the right and left leading to the upper floor was revealed. And there, right in the middle of the room under an impressive chandelier, stood Damian.

He was wearing what I am sure was a tailored black suit. The white of the shirt made a great contrast to his complexion. His hands stroked the fabric before he extended a hand to me.

"Hello Blair. Would you like to join me?" he asked softly, his voice low.

Unable to say a word, I simply went to him and laid my hand in his. And although it trembled slightly, I immediately had the feeling of coming home. Damian gently pulled me to him before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"What did you do?" I wanted to know.

"Oh nothing yet. Come..." he then said and then led me to the back of the foyer.

The double door there opened as well and showed us what was hidden behind it. It was an almost fairytale-like garden filled with flowers upon flowers and many large trees. Despite these trees, this garden, or perhaps courtyard, was bathed in sunlight.

And there in front of a particularly old, large tree was a fountain. The water splashed gently, almost to the same tune as the birds around us.

Right there in front of the fountain Damian stopped and stood in front of me. He took both of my hands in his. His thumbs drew little circles on the backs of my hands to soothe me. He probably sensed how nervous I was.

"Blair, I know I'm not the easiest person to be around. I have failed you because I convinced myself that we were too different. That the life you've always seen in your future can't be a part of mine. But today I know that I just lacked the courage. I was too cowardly to understand that I was fooling myself.

And now that I have been given a second chance by you, I will not let a day go by without letting you know how much I love you. I love you so much, Blair. And I love our little Miss. The blessing you carry under your heart that we both can't wait to meet.

As I watched by your side in the hospital, I vowed to give you the best life I could. Because just the thought of losing you was more than I could bear.

That is why I stand here today to ask you, Blair McLeod, will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?" Damian spoke before finally getting down on one knee and pulling something out of his pocket.

He opened the small box and the beautiful ring inside sparkled in the sunlight like a million little rainbows.

Damian looked up at me expectantly while he waited for my answer.

I put my hands to his cheeks and gave him a kiss. And then another.

"Yes, I do! Of course you do. A million times yes!" I whispered.

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