4 What have you done?

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Damian POV

I was on my way out of the arena when I saw Rhea charging towards me. She rarely had such an angry expression on her face.

Before I could ask what was going on, she already punched me hard in the shoulder. I had not expected that.

"Ouch! What was that for?" I asked as I rubbed the spot.

"For being such an insensitive asshole. And that's for breaking up with her via message." she replied, punching me again in the exact same spot.

"You talked to her? What were you thinking?" I asked angrily.

"You were the one who said that if I wanted to know more I should talk to her. And guess what... that's exactly what I did. And you are the biggest idiot in this world. I'll tell you one thing... you screwed up the best thing that could have happened to you. You may not have seen it, or maybe it scared you, but she was so good for you.

And your outburst of jealousy more than clearly showed how much Blair means to you. Whether you want to admit it or not. Because let's face it... You could've ignored her. But no.... you jumped on her like a jealous boyfriend." she said to me in an increasingly loud tone.

"Thank you so much. Why do you care so damn much, huh? It was just a stupid breakup. Get over it." I wanted to know.

"Oh you mean like you and Blair are over it? You're both idiots." she replied and then walked away.

With a deep sigh, I continued on my way. But Rhea's words stuck with me. Yes, it had hit me to see her again so unexpectedly. And yes, it was right that I had overreacted. But that did not mean that I still cared.

Without thinking, I stopped in the middle of the doorway. My thoughts circled. Was she really the best thing that could have happened to me? Was I just too cowardly to admit it to myself and therefore had unconsciously tried to change everything about Blair so that I would have an excuse not to get into a situation I never wanted?

"Can you maybe get out of the way? There are people who want to leave the building." I heard a voice say behind me.

It was the one voice I would recognize anywhere. Whether I wanted to or not.

"Sorry." I muttered, stepping aside.

"So calm all of a sudden? Thanks." replied Blair so softly I wasn't sure I was supposed to hear it as she walked past me.

She lifted her head and looked up at me. Her gaze held so much familiarity. In that one second, it was as if nothing had ever happened. It was just her and me. Alone in the world.

Without thinking, I reached for her wrist. I pulled her to me and without saying a word I leaned down to her. Her eyes traveled to my lips only a second before I pressed them to hers. Blair opened her mouth and sucked in a deep breath.

This kiss lasted only a few seconds. Until my brain began to function again. I detached my lips from hers. My breath was rapid as I took a step back. Blair wiped her lips with her index finger before shaking her head. Almost as if she was trying to come to again.

Then, without a word, she walked out. My eyes followed her as I tried to understand what the hell I had just done.

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