26 What really matters

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Damian POV

Carefully I put the beautiful ring I had chosen for Blair on her finger. It fit perfectly. I proudly pressed another kiss on it before standing back up to kiss my now fiancée. I wrapped my family in my arms and held them as tight as I could, but not too tight to not squeeze the baby.

"I love you." whispered Blair afterwards with her hands on my neck.

I put my hands on hers and then looked deep into her eyes. Tears glistened in them like stars in the night sky.

"And I love you." I replied and gave her another kiss.

I couldn't believe that I had really managed to keep everything about this surprise a secret.  

"How did you plan all this without me noticing? This is definitely the most beautiful day in my life, our life. I can't believe I get to marry you," she said softly.

"Oh it wasn't easy, but most of it I did while waiting for you to wake up in the hospital. And I can tell you now that that wasn't the whole surprise." I explained to her while I couldn't help grinning.

"What do you mean? How can you top that?" she wanted to know.

"Well my beautiful darling... I thought to myself that there is no better day or place. That's why I want to ask you one more question.... Will you marry me today? Right here?" I asked, patiently waiting for what I said to sink in.

"You want to.... You're serious, aren't you?" she said, surprised.

"I'm very serious, baby. I have everything ready. The guests are just waiting for your answer upstairs. We have music, catering, cake, a photographer, I even thought of decorations and flowers. And before you ask... There's a beautiful dress waiting for you upstairs. What do you say, baby girl? Will you marry me here and now?" I explained.


Blair POV

"Nothing would make me happier." I said softly as I realized what this incredible man had put together.

"Thank you, baby. Come with me." said Damian as he took me by the hand and led me back into the house.

Hand in hand we walked up the stairs that led to top level. Damian guided me to a room at the end of the hallway where he opened the door. To my surprise, Rhea was already waiting for us, along with two of the girls from the beauty salon.

"So, are we having a wedding or what?" she wanted to know with a fat grin on her face.

"We sure do." I said before she came over to hug us and congratulate us.

"Okay, okay...that's enough of that. We have a lot of work to do. You... leave now. The groom is not allowed to see the bride before the ceremony." she said a short time later before practically pushing Damian out the door.

"Now for you, Blair. I have the task of taking care of you. And I'm pretty sure you can't wait to see the dress Damian picked out. Here." Rhea then said to me before opening a clothing bag and revealing a beautiful white dress.

It was shorter in the front than in the back, had long bishop sleeves that were slightly sheer and the V-neckline was just low enough. It was gathered under the bust so that my baby bump would fit snugly inside.

I sniffled softly as I let my fingers glide over the smooth fabric. It was perfect. I would have picked a dress like that. It was kind of...me.

Rhea helped me into it before the hair and makeup girls freshened me up. Quickly, none of the tears of joy were visible anymore and the veil was in place. When I looked in the mirror I could hardly believe it.

It all happened so fast. But then... it had actually taken a long time to get to this point. Of course, I immediately thought of my mother. She would be so happy to see us here today. And I was sure that no matter where she was, she would be watching over us and her granddaughter. Forever.

"Are you ready?" asked Rhea softly as she came up behind me.

"You have no idea. I can't believe he did all that." I replied as I turned to her.

"Damian loves you and this baby more than the world. And just needed a good kick. It's the least he could do. Besides, he had a lot of help." she replied with a wink.

"Here. This is for you." she then said as she handed me my bouquet.

I had to smile. It was carnations, Mom's favorite, and peonies. He knew me so well. 

"And this..." she added, handing me a white balloon.

"What's this one for?" I wanted to know.

"It symbolizes your mom. So she's by your side when you walk down the aisle." she explained to me.


And then it was time. With Rhea's help, I walked down the stairs as the music began to play.

She went ahead to her place and left me alone with my thoughts for a moment.

Slowly, the large double doors to the garden opened. But some things had changed. People had set up chairs and decorations to the right and left. Fairy lights and more carnations and peonies. Petals were scattered along the walkway. My eyes followed their trail until I finally caught sight of Damian. As I did so, I barely noticed the guests. Damian was all that mattered at that moment. He was standing in the exact spot where he had proposed to me earlier. Nothing had changed in his appearance and yet somehow he looked so different. Better.

I walked towards him to the rhythm of the music until I could finally take his hand in mine. He gave me a dazzling smile that made my knees weak.

The Justice of the Peace began the ceremony while Damian and I looked deeply into each other's eyes. But eventually it was time for vows. My heart beat fast when I realized that I had not prepared anything.

"Blair, I know we haven't always had it easy. But it doesn't matter, because all that matters is that we're here today. More in love than ever and with a perfect little girl on the way.

You know how much I love you. And I promise you that will never change. I will always stand faithfully by your side as your husband, as your partner. Together with you I want to go through life, because with you at my side life is not only more beautiful... It is also more worth living. A smile from you, your dimples, make my days brighter and I will forever try to be your light too. I love you, Blair. Always." spoke Damian.

"Damian, as you know I didn't have time to prepare for this. But still I will try to let my heart speak. First of all... I love you. I love you for the man you are, I love you for your soul, I love you for the way you love me. And I will love you for the way you will be as a father to our daughter.

I promise to be your support and your security. I want to be your light in the darkest night and refreshment on hot days. Thank you for being a big part of my life. Only because of you my life became extraordinary and I know that I can always count on you. I love you, Damian. Always." I said and ended with the same words as he did.

Because in the end, it was what really mattered most. That we had found our love together. And now we had sworn eternal love to each other.

"Blair, do you take Damian to be your lawfully wedded husband?" he asked.

"I do." I said.

"And you, Damian, do you take Blair to be your lawfully wedded wife?" he wanted to know.

"I do." replied Damian proudly.

"Then it is my pleasure to hereby by the power vested in me by the State of Florida, pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride, Damian." said the Justice of the Peace.

He didn't have to tell him twice. D took my face in his hands and then kissed me for the first time as his wife.

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