23 Well?

404 21 13

Blair POV

I slowly turned back and forth in front of the mirror before finally pulling the curtain aside.

"How's that?" I asked Damian who was waiting for me outside the changing cubicle.

We were distracting ourselves a bit before we had an appointment with the gynecologist in two hours. If we were lucky, it might even be possible to find out the sex of the baby.

Damian had been so excited that he hadn't slept half the night. I myself was also very excited, but the exhaustion and fatigue helped me sleep well.

In the four weeks since I woke up at Christmas, my baby bump had grown so much that it could no longer be hidden. If I hadn't known better, I would have suspected that there was more than one little munchkin hiding in my belly, but I think that would have been discovered on one of the countless scans in the hospital for sure. Our baby was just big.

Therefore it was necessary for me to buy some new clothes. Damian insisted that I also try on some nice dresses.

"Damn, Mami! That looks amazing. I love the color on you." he said as his eyes slowly wandered over the red dress I was wearing.

I saw him lick his lips and his eyes begin to sparkle. Immediately it was clear to me in which direction his thoughts were wandering.

"Thanks... You know... it's actually perfect for Valentine's Day. It's not that far away anymore. We could do something really special that day." I said, trying to sound seductive as I took his big hands in mine as I looked up at him.

"Oh baby girl... I like the way you think, but I have to tell you that I'm way ahead of you in planning for this day. And I'm quite sure you're going to love it." he replied.

"What do you mean? You already have plans for Valentine's Day? Since when? What do you want to do?" I asked immediately, although I knew it made little to no sense to ask him a million questions.

If Damian wanted it to remain a secret, then it would remain so. No matter how much I urged him to tell me. But that didn't mean I couldn't try.

"I certainly do. I've been planning the perfect day for a while now. You'll see." he said chuckling before giving me a little kiss on the nose.

"Okay... just tell me this one thing.... Will I need the dress for this or not?" i wanted to know.

"Hmmm... I'd say it's a good idea if we buy it. But you look beautiful in anything you wear anyway." replied Damian.

"You're very charming, babe.... But that still won't stop me from asking you a lot of questions over the next few weeks." I laughed.

"I think you have a lot of options to convince me to give you details. But don't be disappointed if nothing slips out." he chuckled.


"Now, Miss McLeod. How are you feeling?" the doctor asked.

"Pretty good. Pretty tired and a little dizzy if I haven't eaten in a while. But other than that, I'm fine. It looks like the coma made me skip the morning sickness." I replied as Damian reached for my hand and I looked at him.

"This is all perfectly normal. Just make sure you stay hydrated. I know it's not easy when you have to go to the bathroom all the time. But it's important for so many different aspects.

But now let's get to the interesting part before the father-to-be goes through the roof with anticipation." she said, laughing as she watched Damian nervously shift his weight from one foot to the other.

"Yeah well... We both hope it really works out with the sex." he replied with a laugh.

"The odds are pretty good by now. If the baby is in the right position of course." the doctor explained.

I was told to lie down and expose my belly. While the doctor was spreading the gel on my belly, D grabbed my hand again and held it tightly.

"We're in luck. And not to keep you both waiting any longer, I'll get right to the important question. We can do the rest afterwards." she said as she ran the probe over my belly.

"Well?" asked Damian, his voice a little higher than normal.

"Congratulations.... it's a little girl." the doctor replied.

"Did you hear that, D? We're having a daughter." I said with a bright smile.

He leaned down to me and off me a loving kiss.

"I love my girls." he said softly before giving me another.

"And we love you." I replied as I put my hand to his cheek.

Change of Heart [a Damian Priest story]Where stories live. Discover now