18 ICU

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Damian POV

I swallowed hard as I stood outside the door to her room in the ICU with Blair's uncle by my side. The familiar smell of a hospital stung my nose and eyes. But it could have been because I was trying to pull myself together. Maybe it was tears stinging my eyes. I wanted to be strong. For Blair and for our baby.

The gowns we had been given to put on for hygienic reasons rustled with the slightest movement. The sound was enough to give me the creeps. The doctor opened the door.

Immediately my eyes fell on Blair. But I hardly recognized her. Her head was heavily bandaged, her face was covered with small cuts and bruises. So was her right arm resting on the blanket. The left one was in a cast. She looked almost peaceful, but I knew that impression was deceiving.

"She's breathing on her own. That's a good sign. Her heart is a little stressed from the surgery, but we're keeping an eye on that. Miss McLeod is currently on strong painkillers, antibiotics and other medications. For this reason, we are also monitoring the baby closely.

She is expected to be unconscious for a while. So please do not be surprised if it takes longer. She needs time now. Especially her brain. We don't know yet if there's been any major damage. We won't know until she wakes up.

She will stay here in the ICU for another day or two until we move her to another ward. There you will be able to stay with her longer. For now, half an hour is the maximum," he explained quietly as she looked at the chart.

I exchanged a distressed look with Trent. We both realized how bad Blair really was.

Cautiously, I took a step closer to her. The beeping of the machines was unsettling. I wanted to give her a kiss, but I couldn't find a place where I could. The last thing I wanted to do was to cause her pain. Even if she probably didn't feel it at the moment.

My gaze wandered over her until I finally reached for her hand. Very carefully, light as a feather, I slid my fingers under hers.

"Hi baby... I'm here... Everything's going to be okay, Blair. Take as much time as you need. Please know that I love you and I can't wait to tell you the best news. That means you have to come back to me, okay? You'll be so happy when you hear it," I said to her softly.

Part of me hoped that maybe she could even hear me. Maybe curiosity would help her find her way back to me.

I would wait for her, no matter how long it took. And when she woke up I would do everything I could to make her and our baby as happy as humanly possible. Enough time and silence to think about everything I would now have while guarding at her side. 

There must have been a million places I would rather have been right now. But only with Blair and that little someone by my side would I be truly happy.

It had taken me long enough to realize that this woman was everything to me and that her dreams were actually also mine. That's why losing her or just leaving her alone was out of the question.

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