14 Ohhh!

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Blair POV

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the small smile that lingered on Damian's mouth as he slumbered.

He looked so peaceful. I could have looked at him for hours. At some point I propped myself up on my elbow before letting the fingers of my free hand stroke his chest. Again and again I painted little patterns on his skin while images of the past hours kept flaring up in me.

This warm, fuzzy feeling that had spread through me when he told me that he loved me was almost overwhelming. That was probably because I had waited so long for it. Now I could only hope that he had thought it over. Because if I really should get pregnant, then there was no turning back.

Involuntarily, I had to think of Mom. And how she had told me again and again how stupid my plan was. In fact, she had often said almost the same words as Damian. And yes, maybe it was a stupid plan, but I hadn't seen any other way.

But now... now that I was looking at Damian like that... it made me wonder if maybe all this was necessary to get us on the right track.

"Why are you staring at me, baby girl?" asked D sleepily.

"Oh maybe because you look so gorgeous..." I replied with a little giggle.

"Is that so? But I bet not as gorgeous as you." he said in a raspy voice as he opened his eyes and put his hand on mine.

"Always so charming." said I before giving him a kiss.

"Tell me... are you 100% sure this is what you want?" I then asked.

"I lost you once because I didn't want to admit to myself that you were the best thing for me. I thought that if I convinced myself that we wanted different things, I would eventually actually believe it myself. But guess what... it didn't work. Because at the end of the day, I love you and I want you to be happy. And I think having a baby with you would make me very happy too. Even though it's pretty scary, I'll do anything for you." he replied as he put his hand to my face.

"I just wanted to make sure you thought about it and that it wasn't just out of defiance," I said softly.

"Blair, I promise you that you will not get rid of me again. Because I love you very much. Even if it took my stubborn ass a long, fucking long time to say it." Damian then replied.

"That's true... I love you too." I nodded in agreement.

I mean hey... I couldn't disagree with him about this.

"But now something else... I guess I still owe you breakfast. Say... How much longer are you working at Raw?" he wanted to know.

"So as far as breakfast goes, you've already managed that very well. Even though I'm not sure I had enough. And as for work, it was supposed to be another 2 weeks now, but Bill broke his leg and has to have surgery. So it's probably going to be another 2 months that you're going to have to put up with me." I explained to him.

"That's great! I'm looking forward to spending time with you, baby. But now back to breakfast..." he replied before pushing me into the mattress and then working his way down my body.

First he licked my nipples before he kissed his way lower and lower. His lips and tongue left a burning trail as I buried my fingers in his hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feelings he triggered in me.


Damian POV

Two amazing weeks later, I was now in a dark corner in some arena in some city.

"That tickles" she giggled as I nibbled on her neck.

"Good...that means I'm doing it right" I growled in her ear.

"Damian fucking Priest! Get out of there now!" we suddenly heard Rhea's voice shout.

"What's your problem?" I said as I stepped out of the shadows a little breathlessly and straightened my clothes.

"My problem? What are you doing here? I thought you were going to win Blair back? And now I hear you making out here in a dark corner with some bimbo? Are you fucking kidding me?" she hissed.

"Listen, we are-" I began.

"The biggest idiots in the world. What have you done now? Tell her you love her, damn it! Or God help me, I'm going to beat the crap out of you!" she interrupted me.

"Actually, he already did." said Blair as she stepped out of the shadows and wrapped her arms around me.

I kissed the top of her head as I pulled her tightly against me.

"Ohhh! Hi Blair. I didn't know it was you. Um... Sorry to bother you. Carry on... By the way... I'm very happy that you guys are able to fix this," Rhea replied, more than surprised.

"That was funny. Did you see her face?" asked Blair as she laughed out loud.

"Yep. But that's not important right now.... Where were we?" I replied before pinning her back against the wall again. 

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