24 At 4 in the morning

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Damian POV

With a yawn, I turned to my other side and tried to pull Blair against me. Only I found that her side of the bed was empty and cold. Confused, I opened my eyes to look around. The bathroom light was not turned on and it was still dark outside. I reached for my phone to see what time it was. It was only a little after 4:00 in the morning.

Where could Blair possibly be? I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to make sure she really wasn't in there. As I expected, it was empty. Then I left the bedroom. After a few steps, a wonderful aroma hit my nose and I followed the scent into the kitchen.

There she was. In nothing but a baggy T-shirt and panties as she hummed softly to the music on the radio. Blair had her hips swaying in circular motions as she stood at the stove stirring in a pan.

I watched her for a while trying to figure out what she was making. And when she added the eggs to the pan I knew what she was cooking.

"Good morning baby." I said quietly so as not to startle her.

"Good morning, D. I hope I didn't wake you." she said as she looked over her shoulder and gave me a beautiful smile. 

Her dimples were so cute when she did that. I hoped that our little one would inherit them from her Mami.

"No, it's all good. I'm just surprised you're making huevos rancheros at 4 a.m." I replied as I wrapped my arms around my girls.

"What can I say babe.... Your daughter had a craving for spicy food. I even had a dream about it." She laughed as she placed my hand on her baby bump.

"Good morning Priest-y baby. I feel the young lady is wide awake too." I said as I felt the baby's small, delicate movements.

I couldn't help but smile. It was such a beautiful experience every time. She let us know that she was doing very well. And obviously she had her mother wrapped around her tiny finger in terms of cravings.

"Oh yeah! It was like she was telling me to hurry up!" replied Blair.

I was amazed at how cheerful she was despite the early hour. She was positively glowing and somehow the pregnancy was doing her good. After all, it was something she had wanted for a long time. And I guess that's why she enjoyed every second of it.

"I hope she lets you sleep tonight, though. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I have a lot planned for you. I would feel bad if you were tired all day long." I said as I pressed a kiss to her hair.

"Maybe you should talk to the little one about it. I can cover my ears in case you want to tell her something secret." she replied.

"Ha! Nice try, Miss McLeod. Even if I wanted to, I know you wouldn't be able to resist the temptation to eavesdrop. But fortunately, you won't have to wait much longer. What's a few more hours?" I asked.

"Still a few hours too many, if you ask me." she grumbled.

I laughed at the face she made. She had tried to squeeze information out of me countless times in the last few weeks. But I had remained stubborn. Even though it was anything but easy.

Besides, I was pretty sure she searched the house for clues when I wasn't home. But she had no luck with that either, because I had been smart enough to hide everything I needed for the surprise with Rhea.

Now I could only hope that everything would go as I had imagined. I had to admit that I was pretty nervous by now. After all, what I was about to do was a huge deal.

Still, I was confident that Blair would not only love it. She would certainly never forget it.

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