6 What I want

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Damian POV

I was lying on a mat in the gym doing crunches. But it wasn't long before my attention was drawn to something else. The door opened with a loud squeak. My head turned in that direction just as Blair entered the room.

She was wearing a crop-top sports bralette and those damn tight yoga pants. They hugged her in all the right places. Her eyes wandered around the room only to find that no one was here but the two of us. I, on the other hand, tried not to get distracted. After taking a deep breath, I went back to my workout. 

But I felt her eyes on me. Without saying a word she came closer. Closer and closer until she finally knelt beside me. Still she did not say a word. Instead, she slid a little closer to me. So close that I could now feel her warmth. In addition, the familiar scent of her perfume hit me. I had to swallow, because it immediately brought back a lot of memories.

I wanted to say something, but before I could, she swung her leg over me and straddled me. Blair's hands immediately found their way to my chest, where she slowly but surely let them travel down over my skin and then back up. I gulped as she suddenly leaned forward as she simultaneously reached for her hair tie. She let her hair down with a smooth movement. It formed a tent around us, but still I could see her eyes. They sparkled with a mixture of mischief and desire.

Not even a second later she closed the gap between us and began to kiss me passionately. Immediately my arms wrapped around her back so I could pull her even tighter against me.

I began to taste her flavor on my tongue as the kiss grew deeper and even more intense. Our breaths mingled.

"Damian? Hellooo! Earth to Damian!" I suddenly heard from a distance.

I opened my eyes and shook my head. To my disappointment, I realized that I was lying on the floor all alone. And instead of Blair, it was Rhea standing a few feet away staring at me.

"Huh? What?" I made as I tried to regain my composure.

"Did you have a pleasant daydream? You were far away. Must have been very nice. Now wipe the drool off your chin and get moving. We have to go." she replied with a wicked little snicker before tossing a towel in my face.

I wiped my face with it before standing up. But not without giving her a dirty look.

"Oh well don't look like that. You have all night to look at pictures of her and then dream about her." she said when she saw my expression.

"I didn't-" I put in.

"Just drop it. I know for a fact that something is going on. And instead of continuing to pine at her from afar, you could just grow a pair and talk to her. You're crazy about this woman, but for whatever reason you're too chicken to make the first move," she continued.

"That's not true. It's been over for almost a year. Why would I want her back if I was the one who broke up with her in the first place, Miss Know-it-all?" I wanted to know.

"Because you only broke up with her because you were afraid to make the next step. Blair knows exactly what she wants out of life and you probably want the same thing. But you're trying to convince yourself that this life isn't what you want. All you have to do is change your mind. You are allowed to do that. The right person can cause a change of heart. Then you could get the girl. And so much more..." Rhea replied before she left.

I hated it when she did that. Why did she think she knew everything so well? I mean, shouldn't it be me who knew best what I wanted? But then again... what exactly did I want? 

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