17 Woah!

461 22 13

Damian POV

I immediately reached for my bag and stuffed everything in. I didn't even bother to put on my normal clothes. As fast as I could I hurried out of the locker room to the car. I bumped into one or two of my colleagues, but I didn't care at that moment.

My thoughts were on Blair alone. I hoped and prayed that she wasn't badly hurt. That maybe this was all just a big misunderstanding. But that hope quickly faded as I kept trying to call her on the way to the airport.

She always answered the phone when I called her. It didn't matter what time of day or night. And she was always so happy to hear my voice. That's how I felt too. 

And right at that moment I would have paid any amount of money to hear her voice. I wanted her to tell me that everything was alright. That she was fine and that she could hardly wait to cuddle up to me after a long day.

We reached the airport quickly and I managed to book the next flight home, which was scheduled to take off in an hour. This hour was so unbearable. I would have loved to pull out my hair. But that wouldn't have done any good. Instead, I tried to stay as calm as possible. I didn't want to arouse the TSA's suspicion.

But then I suddenly remembered something. I had no idea which hospital she was in. Panic rose in me. Shawn... I had to call Shawn. If he had talked to her uncle, then he had to know where she was.

It rang only once until I heard his voice. But even he had no idea which hospital it was. Nevertheless, he promised to find out as quickly as possible while I was on the plane.

I thanked him and then it was already time to board the flight. I noticed the strange looks the people around me were giving me, but I didn't care. I was already planning to change during the flight. That way I would at least have something to do.


We had barely landed an hour later when my phone beeped with a message from Shawn. It was the address of the hospital. Thank God. I quickly gathered my luggage before grabbing the first best cab.

I counted the minutes, the seconds it took until we finally reached it. I paid the man, took my stuff and ran inside. It wasn't long before I ran into a nurse. She told me where to go and that she would tell the doctors.

"Damian!" I heard Trent's voice say as soon as I entered the waiting room.

He jumped to his feet and gave me a quick hug. The look on his face couldn't mean anything good.

"How is she?" I asked immediately.

"I'm still waiting for news from the OR," he replied.

"For Blair McLeod?" said a voice from the door a few minutes later.

"That's us. How is she?" I replied.

"She suffered a severe traumatic brain injury. During surgery, we successfully removed a hemorrhage. But Miss McLeod's brain is still very swollen. It will take time for that to go down. Her left arm is broken, her ribs are bruised. Her whole body is covered with bruises. She was lucky that the car didn't hit her full on.

She is now undergoing another ultrasound to make sure that there is no delayed bleeding in her abdomen. All in all she was very lucky. Oh yes... and the baby is doing well too. Now we just have to wait for her to wake up," he explained.

"Woah! The baby? Blair's pregnant?" I asked after almost overhearing that part.

"Indeed she is, Sir, about 7 to 8 weeks along. The gynecologist will be able to tell more accurately. I'll take you to see her now if you want." he replied.

She was pregnant. We were expecting a baby. Part of me leapt with joy while another tightened painfully. This moment was so not how we wanted it to be.

We were supposed to celebrate this moment together. But now Blair was lying in a hospital bed, badly injured, and all I could do was hope and pray that she would wake up so I could tell her about our miracle. I wanted to be able to hold the woman I loved in my arms. I wanted to see the joy and love in her eyes when she heard that she would finally get what she had wanted for so long.

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