2 Not over it

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Damian POV

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Rhea as we finished our workout.

The whole time she had been staring over at me and I knew she was itching to bombard me with questions. And if there was one thing I wasn't in the mood for, it was answering her questions.

Seeing her face after all these months was eating at me more than I wanted to admit. And then to see her with Ziggler.... I just didn't expect that. But I certainly wasn't jealous. I mean why would I be. After all, it was me who had broken up with her. It didn't make any sense.

"Do I look like I want to talk about it?" I grumbled.

"Come on. You can't expect me not to have questions.... What did Blair mean when she said you wanted to change her?" she pressed.

"That is completely exaggerated! I wasn't trying to change her. I just wanted her to come out of her shell a bit. I bought her some cool clothes and we used to listen to my music together because I wanted her to know what I was into.

Every time we went to a club, she was a total buzzkill. Not once could she just down a drink and let loose. She was always so tense. It wasn't for her... I mean, she didn't even try." I babbled out as it finally boiled over inside me.

"You know that's a totally fucked up thing, right? What's so bad about her not liking the same things you do? Who cares. I bet there's 100 things she likes that you never even dreamed of trying, right? But you expected a change of heart from her..." Rhea replied.

"Just let it go. It's over and we can go our separate ways. I'm sure she'll be back in NXT next week. Then I won't have to see her again." I said as I quickened my steps, hoping to get away from her.

"Why do I get the feeling there's more? What did Blair mean by idea of the future?" she asked.

"Why don't you go ask her if you're so interested?" I countered.

"You know... maybe I will..." replied Rhea.

And with that she walked away. But I knew she was bluffing. She wouldn't dare talk to Blair about us behind my back. Because she knew exactly how pissed off that would make me.

Fortunately, I didn't have to dwell on thoughts of Blair. Or at least that's what I thought. Until it was time for my match, anyway, and I saw who the ring side photographer was for today. I suppressed a growl when I spotted her next to the ring.

I had to concentrate. Now was not the moment to be distracted. Nevertheless, my eyes kept wandering in her direction. Her look was alternately full of anger and sadness. As if she didn't know how to feel.

Her forehead was furrowed and there was no sign of her adorable dimples. I guess Rhea was right when she said I wasn't over it yet. And from the looks of it, Blair was indeed feeling the same way.

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