28 A magnificent gift

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Blair POV

Why wasn't I the least bit surprised that this had been going on for more than 20 hours now? Apparently Miss Evie had inherited stubbornness from both sides. Or it was just too comfortable inside me.

We tried everything we could to speed up the process a bit and slowly but surely it was having an effect. Now I could finally get my epidural. The doctors had waited so long so that I could move around.

My husband did not leave my side for a second. When he wasn't holding my hand, he was massaging my back or rubbing my belly while saying encouraging words over and over again. I mean, there wasn't much else he could do at this point. He couldn't bring her into the world himself. Although... if he had offered, I would have traded places with him in a heartbeat. 

"I wonder if she has your hair color or if maybe she's even blonde like mom." I mused quietly as I lay on my side waiting for the epidural to kick in.

Damian sat next to me and had his long arm around us. Slowly his fingers stroked my upper arm. He knew exactly how much this relaxed me.

"We'll know soon enough. But it doesn't mean it will stay the same color hair she is born with. Friends of mine have a daughter who was born with almost black hair and now she has the most beautiful natural blonde hair." he replied just as softly before giving me a kiss on my hair.

"In the end it doesn't matter, because I know that either way she will be the most beautiful, perfect little girl," I said.

"That's true...if she's in the mood to be born sometime soon." Damian said.

And indeed, it took 2 more hours until the time finally came. The doctor and the nurses prepared everything. And I was also preparing myself mentally for this important moment.

"Okay, Mrs Priest. We are going to start. Let's meet your daughter." he said.

I pushed and pushed while the doctor counted. Damian supported my back and I could tell he was holding his breath. Hopefully he knew what he was doing. The last thing I needed was for him to pass out.

"One more time..." said the doctor for what felt like the twentieth time. 

I took a deep breath and pushed again as I squeezed my husband's hand in the meantime.

"One more big push, Blair. The head is there. Now the shoulders and you've got it." he added a minute later.

And then I really had it. The first screams from Evie echoed through the otherwise silent room. I had to say she had quite a voice. Exhausted, but overjoyed, I sank back into the pillow.

"I love you, Blair. Look what you did." Damian said softly before giving me a kiss.

The doctor wiped our daughter's face clean and then gently placed her on my chest. She was so perfect. Words were not enough to describe how beautiful this moment was. That I was really a mother now. That this dream I had had for so long had come true.

"We love you too. You have no idea." I whispered as I took my eyes off the baby and looked at her Papi.

He gave me another kiss before his fingers gently stroked Evie's tiny hand and fingers. She made little squeaking noises. It was adorable. We were so in love.

"Mr. Priest, do you want to cut the umbilical cord?" the doctor then asked.

"Yes... Yes I do." said Damian totally moved as he reluctantly took his eyes off our little one.

"Does your daughter have a name yet?" one of the nurses wanted to know.

"She does. This is Evie Victoria Priest." said I proudly.

For me, it was a given from the moment we knew we were having a girl that I wanted to honor my mom.

She would love this little girl more than anything. I was sure of that. And there was one more thing I was sure of.... That little Evie Victoria had the best guardian angel anyone could ask for.

After a few minutes of admiring her, the nurse took the baby to wash and measure her. The doctor examined her under the watchful eyes of her father as I struggled to keep my eyes open.

As Damian sat down next to me with Evie in his arms, I couldn't help but wonder what my life would have been like if I hadn't been needed as a substitute photographer.

Probably we wouldn't be here now. Married and parents to a little version of her Papi. One look was enough to know that she looked so much like Damian. And to me that was totally okay. Because it was a magnificent gift.

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