3 Can we talk?

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Blair POV

Again and again my eyes wandered to Damian as I tried to do my job. But never in my life had it been so difficult for me to take decent photos. Everything in me was totally messed up. On the one hand I was still pissed off, but on the other hand I was disappointed and sad.

My concentration was wavering, causing me to trip over one of the camera's cables. Just in time I managed to hold on to the barricade. I knew that my face was red and I was glad that no one was paying attention to me. All eyes were on the action in the ring.

Or at least that's what I thought. But when I turned back to the ring with my camera, I saw Damian looking at me. But I couldn't interpret his look.

Thank God the match was over not long after that. Damian made his way backstage again. I breathed a sigh of relief. If I was lucky, I wouldn't have to see him again today.

The rest of the show passed without incident. I quickly made my way to the back. I looked at all the pictures I had taken in the last few hours, especially the ones that had already been posted online. And all in all I was satisfied with my work.

I was about to get my stuff when I was suddenly approached.

"Hey Blair... Can we talk?" I heard Rhea's voice say.

"Depends on what you want to talk about," I said as she joined me on the way to the locker room.

"Well...what happened with you and D?" she asked.

"I actually thought he would have already told you," I replied.

"He did, but I think there's more. And I want to hear your side." she said.

"Listen, Rhea.... I don't want to open up old wounds again, okay? It is what it is. Just forget about it." i replied, rubbing my forehead.

"All I know is that he claimed you both wanted to break up, but that's clearly not true. I know you loved each other," she continued.

"Too bad he just never said that...." I muttered.

"He... what do you mean? He never said he loved you? Oh I'm going to kick his ass." Rhea grumbled.

"Just let it go. It doesn't matter anymore. We were just too different. Not just in terms of our interests. I want someone with whom I can start a family and Damian doesn't want children. That means that the separation would have been unavoidable sooner or later anyway. Yes sure.... he tried to change me, but that was only part of our problems," I explained to her.

"Have you talked about it since then?" she wanted to know.

"No. I left him at the club with his buddies at the time. It just became too much for me. I felt I was on the verge of a panic attack. When I arrived at his house, I got a message. That he could not do it anymore and that I would never be there for him. That kind of nonsense. I didn't even answer. I packed the things I had at his place and went home.

But I admit that I wrote him a pretty nasty letter. That's probably why he was so pissed off to see me. In it I said things I'm not proud of, but I was so angry, so hurt....

I guess I was never important to him because he didn't even try to call me or visit me. He didn't even send me another message. While I can't say for sure, but.... I always had the feeling that his buddies said something to him," I said.

"That's... a lot." she replied.

I could tell by the look on her face that she was pretty pissed. And I couldn't blame her. After all, so was I.

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