20 My little Christmas miracle

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Damian POV

"Good morning, baby girl. How are you feeling today? Do you feel like waking up? I think that would be nice since it's Christmas today. Can you maybe squeeze my hand? Like yesterday... I know you can.... "I babbled as I walked into the room like I do every morning after getting something to eat.

The nurses washed Blair during that time and then the doctors did their routine exams. Yesterday was the first time in 4 weeks that she had moved her fingers and toes a little.

Every time I asked her to squeeze my hand she did. Only very lightly. And if I hadn't paid attention to it, I probably wouldn't have even noticed. But it was a sign that she was on her way back to me. Finally. 

I sat down next to her and waited for something to happen today. But I was not rewarded. Nothing happened. Disappointed, I sat down and sighed heavily.

"You know I love you, baby, right? I love you so much and I can't wait to have you back. But I know you need a little more time. What do you want to do today? Do you want to watch a Christmas movie? I'm sure every channel is showing one." I continued talking before lifting her hand and pressing a kiss on it.

The hours passed and slowly but surely the fatigue and emotional exhaustion settled over me. I slid my chair a little closer to the bed so that I could rest my head next to Blair's. I placed my hand tenderly on her stomach.

I closed my eyes while my thumb drew small circles. The music of the movie played softly in the background. It was the Miracle on 34th Street. One of Blair's favorite movies. I remembered the first time we watched it together. Snuggled up on her sofa with hot chocolate and marshmallows. A smile spread across my face as I imagined how maybe one day we would watch this movie together as a family with our child. It was a beautiful thought.


Blair POV

At first I was a little confused. My head hurt like hell. Why did my body feel so rigid and heavy? And where were these strange noises coming from? First it was this beeping very close to my head... but then there was something that sounded familiar. I thought and tried to remember what it was. But at first I couldn't.

After a while I felt a hand on my belly. It was Damian for sure. I knew that without opening my eyes because I had this familiar feeling. I always felt like that when he was near me.

I tried to open my eyes. But I did not succeed immediately. I didn't even know exactly where they were. Gently I tried to blink. Ah! There they were... The light was bright, almost harsh. It took me a little while to get used to it.

Slowly I looked around the room. Where the hell was I? This was not my home, nor D's.... I turned my head to the side and saw some machines. Strange. Was this a hospital room? I looked down at myself. My left arm was in a cast.... Why? My head turned to the other side because I felt breath on my cheek. There he was.

"Damian?" I asked softly, but my voice sounded dry and rough. 

As if I had not spoken for ages. I tried to swallow against the dryness, but I could not. That's why I tried to raise my other hand instead. I put it on Damian's. Very gently, I closed my fingers around his and squeezed.

Almost immediately his head shot up and he stared at me. I tried to interpret his facial expression. At first he looked really disbelieving, as if he couldn't believe seeing me. But then a dazzling smile spread across his lips.

"Blair, oh baby! Hi! You're finally awake. I love you. I love you so much." he then said before kissing me.

"Love you too... What's... happened?" I breathed, surprised by how exhausting it was.

"You're in the hospital. You had a car accident. But don't worry... everything's fine now that you've woken up. Much better than fine actually." he replied and I could have sworn I saw tears in his eyes.

"What, but..." I wanted to know in confusion.

"It's not important right now. You still need to rest, okay? I was with you the whole time because I couldn't wait to tell you something." replied Damian as he gently stroked my cheek and forehead with his fingers.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing's wrong, baby. Quite the opposite... We're having a baby, Blair." he replied softly.

"Oh my God..." I breathed as tears welled up in my eyes.

I tried to sit up to hug and kiss him, but couldn't. But Damian still knew immediately what I wanted. He leaned in and gave me a long kiss before resting his forehead against mine.

"I love you and I can't believe we're really having a baby..." I said softly, but it took a lot out of me.

"I love you both too. You have no idea. And now you're my little Christmas miracle." he replied, beaming. 

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