nineteen: captum

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{captum - (adjective) a word that suggests that a person has been seized and then captured by an opposing side.}

newt's pov: 

All of us sat anxiously waiting in the council room. 

"They should be back here by now – it's been almost 24 hours and we haven't heard anything." Minho said, fear swimming throughout his face as he twirled his knife around on the table. 

My knee jiggled up and down, speaking quietly. "What if they were hurt?" 

My heart sunk to the floor, terrified of the possibility that I won't ever be able to see her again. The last time I was with her she didn't even speak to me. Y/n ignored me during dinner the previous night, only accidentally catching my eye as she sat down to speak with Vince. 

And then she was gone. 

Frypan walked around the table, handing some food to the others. Many weren't eating – they couldn't stomach food and the possibility of losing so many members of the camp. 

Brenda fidgeted nervously. "I didn't get to say goodbye to Tommy before he left," She sniffed, "He didn't want to wake me up – I really wished he had now." She said, stifling her small sobs with a tissue. 

Dion sat to my left, clearly a bit uncomfortable with the number of emotions travelling through the air. He whispered into my ear, "Who's been left in charge here, blondie? Everyone is spiralling and freaking out - we need the leader to calm them all down." 

I sighed, replying quietly back to him, "Minho has been left in charge as y/n, Vince and Jorge have all gone with the others." 

I wished she were here right now – she would know what to do, even though she'd believe she wouldn't. She'd stand around the table, speaking to us all and explain what she would do, and how we could help them and ourselves. She would revise a plan, set it into motion, and ensure the others made it back here safely. 

I wish she was here with me. 

Harriet entered the room, carrying a small child on her right hip, a bottle of formula in her left hand. The baby cooed and stirred, clearly irritable and tired. "She won't eat, won't sleep – I don't know what to do." 

The others turned their heads towards the girl as they heard her approach, while the baby began to twist and struggle in her grasp. She cried, loudly, distressing Brenda. 

She looked over to Harriet. "I'll take her for a bit, 'take her back to Melissa once she's asleep." 

Harriet's eyes immediately lit up, as she ran over to the girl, and gently handed her the child. She continued to coo, as Brenda readjusted the baby, cradling her in her arms. Harriet looked incredibly grateful. "Thank you." She whispered quietly, watching Brenda lightly rock the child back and forth. 

She looked down at the child, looking at its every feature with a warm smile. She seemed very peaceful. 

Harriet thanked Brenda once again, and hurried quickly out of the room to, I can only assume, sleep. 

The others continued to converse around the table. I couldn't just sit here. 

"We need to go look for them." 

Minho looked over at me, surprised. "Vince gave strict instructions to not leave under any circumstances. That means we don't leave, Newt."

I stood up, suddenly. "I can't just leave her out there-" 

Minho moved over to me, much quicker than I expected him to. "Newt, you think that I don't want to look for them? Find them? Make sure they are okay? We were given orders; we stay here and keep the camp safe and running and we do not leave!"  

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