twenty nine: discerptio

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{discerptio - the action of cutting off a person's or animal's limbs.}

y/n's pov:

Originally my plan was to be in bed by ten and sleep comfortably for eight long blissful hours, as I prepared my body for the taxing day ahead.

That didn't happen.

At nine o'clock, the night before we were leaving for the hunt, Vince had another seizure.

It came on suddenly, and while Lincoln is still unsure what caused it, he knows that means that there can't have been any recovery in the past couple of weeks. His condition hasn't gotten any better, and we're not sure if it's gotten any worse. It's not difficult to assume it has.

Everyone at camp worries he'll drop dead any minute, and while I try to reassure them that he could recover, and fight his way to remission, I'm starting to believe myself that it might not be possible.

I helped Lincoln hold him down as he lashed against the restraints, screaming and retching while his limbs made involuntary movements that scratched at our skin until we bled.

Eventually, Lincoln managed to sedate him, level out his breathing and blood levels, and then he was back to sleep in his hospital bed.

I stayed with him the remainder of the night, worried.

Lincoln sat with me for a while too, constantly watching over Vince, refilling the coffee pot and providing a gentle conversation that sat comfortably between small talk and friendly chatter.

Once it reached 6am, I realised I should probably start getting ready for the day; I showered, brushed my teeth and grabbed some quick breakfast before I headed to the armoury.

I met the other three later on by the truck. "You all look well rested." I exclaimed, placing my bag down on the bonnet.

Gally looked over to me, brows furrowed. "You don't. What the hell happened to you?"

I didn't want to talk about it - didn't want to discuss what had transpired overnight. "Nothing, I'm fine."

Minho seemed concerned. "Y/n, you look absolutely shattered. Did you get any sleep at all last night?"

I didn't want to answer their questions, I just wanted to leave and get this over with so I could crawl into bed and sleep for as long as my body will let me.

I looked back at the man, irritated. "We are not here to play twenty questions, we are here to rally supplies. Shut it and head into the truck when you're ready, I want to leave before it hits 7 o'clock." I said, grabbing my bag back from the bonnet, and throwing it into the back seat.

I climbed into the front of the vehicle, seated next to Gally and in front of Minho.

I drove us over to the first intended location of the day - Lincoln noticed a pharmacy a couple miles out after he had been kidnapped by the cannibals, and mentioned it to us before we left. He handed me a list with some medical supplies he thought we would need, and asked me to keep an eye out for them.

"I'm sorry I didn't just do this before, it would have made it a lot easier." Lincoln said, and I nodded, agreeing.

Gally was following along with the map. "It should be just up here on your left, y/n." He exclaimed, pointing up the road to a turning ahead.

"What are we looking for in this place? I bet you it was already raided and cleared out years ago." Minho scoffed from the back, visibly irritated. He outwardly didn't trust Lincoln, understandably so.

I turned left. "Lincoln has given me a list of things to look out for; we'll clear the building first, scavenge anything useful and then we'll leave and head to the next place."

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