thirty nine: vehementia

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{vehementia - great forcefulness or intensity of feeling or expression.}

y/n's pov: 

I bit away at the skin beside the nail, gnawing at the bone like a ferocious wild animal who hadn't seen food or water for a very long time.

Newt positioned himself beside me, sitting on a large stool. I could feel the sadness emitting itself from his body, and yet he sat and said nothing.

For the past few days, I could feel this constant overwhelming sense that we were all doomed, and we won't realise until it's too late, and by that time, it won't matter, because the world is bleeding and nothing out there can stop that. When we try to, we only make it worse.

All I could hear were the cries; the screams and the hollers once Thomas and Bren realised what had happened, and their world changed all over again.

I didn't want to listen to the cries that circled around my skull and collapsed behind my eyes to reserve the terrifying material for a later date. 

It occured to me suddenly that I couldn't stay here, and once the door was flung open, I felt the wind on my face and the thoughts evaporated, and all I was left with was anger. Newt called out behind me, asking where I was going, and whether he wanted me to follow.

I kept going, ignoring the sound of him running to catch up.

Hurrying down the path, I walked past a very confused Gally.

"Y/n? What the hell is going on? B went into labour and nobody told me? Where the hell is she?"

I strolled past him. "Not now, Gally."

He stared back, confused, but shrugged to himself and ended up following along. "Where are we going?"

I didn't want to talk, to explain myself or my future actions, although I knew someone would ask. "Stop following me, Gally."

He ignored my demand. "Newt is here too, by the way."

Rolling my eyes, I ignored them both, and raced towards Vince's front door. I knew he was in there - I prayed he was in there.

Swinging the door open, I clocked Lincoln immediately. He stood over the counter, assembling something in his hands.

The two men turned their heads over to me, confused. Vince seemed concerned, "Y/n? Are you alright?"

I didn't answer, and raced at the doctor I had begun to despise so deeply that I wished to remove his eyelids with my knife and feed them to him.


My knuckles smacked against the side of his face so hard I thought his skull might shatter, and fall apart beneath his skin. His body plummeted to the floor, just as I reached down to pick him up by his collar. Lincoln is not a short man, and yet, here on the ground he appeared so small and helpless.

Gally and Newt yelled, lunging forward to pull me off him as I hit him repeatedly in the face. Blood poured from his nose and spilled down his shirt as he yelped out in pain.

"Y/n! Stop! Newt screamed, pulling roughly at my arms as Gally grabbed from my shoulders.

I could hear Vince in the distance, calling out to someone to help, and while at first no one came, not long later Minho bustled through the door.

"What the fuck is going on?" He asks, as he rushes into the room to yank me away from the bloodied man on the floor.

Eventually, they managed to successfully pry me away from the weasel I had my hands on, and onto the floor.

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