thirty one: mirum

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{mirum - an unexpected or astonishing  event, fact, etc.}

y/n's pov:

It was late at night, everyone else was asleep in their beds, and I was beginning to lose focus.

"It's possible they could be hiding out here, but unless we physically check, we have no real way of knowing."

Thomas called a council meeting earlier on this evening, and while originally I agreed to stand in and take notes, I didn't think it was going to take this long.

Gally, Brenda and Minho looked as if they might as well already be asleep.

Thomas continued to yap. "I've pinpointed a few locations that I believe could be their base, but I haven't been out that way for a long while - it could be all broken down by now."

I sighed angrily. "Tom, I appreciate the updates on the situation, but it's almost midnight and you haven't given a solid idea in the last hour, so can we just... call it? I'm shattered."

Thomas looked over at me, bewildered. "What? I'm explaining to you all how to find these bastards and you want to call it?"

I was so tired, and the last thing I wanted was to bicker with Tom. I rolled my eyes, "You aren't explaining how we find them, you are giving us potential locations for where they might be - there are no absolutes present in this conversation." I replied, slightly huffier than I had wanted.

He stared back at me. "I know I don't know exactly where they are, but I'm trying, y/n, and I need your help as well. I need everyone's help."

I turned my head to the others, seeing Brenda already asleep on the table, as Gally and Minho battled to keep themselves awake.

Thomas appeared disappointed. "Right, fine. I'll call it for the night, but I want to see you all back here tomorrow after lunch."

I was sure Gally and Minho were not listening. I turned to them, trying to get their attention. "Guys?"

Minho's eyes shot up as he began to mumble. "Yep, they probably are up North, Tom, you're right."

He wasn't listening.

Thomas sighed. "Okay, everyone out, I'll see you all tomorrow." He said, and while I was sure Gally was asleep, he quickly jumped out of his seat and rushed to the door. Minho followed hurriedly behind him.

Tom slumped down in his seat, sighing. He appeared quite down, and I was almost certain he was about to explain to me why.

"Am I doing a good job with this, y/n?"

I knew it.

I was never sure what to say in these types of situations, but I knew I didn't want Thomas to be upset. "Tom, it's been two days. Give yourself a break, you're good at this. You probably just need to sleep." I replied, looking over to B as she rested her head on her arms to sleep.

He smiled, looking over to her as well. "Thank you. I just worry that I won't find them in time-"

I decided to remove the thought at the root. "No - we are all going to be fine. We're not on any maps, and we're careful about everything we do, Tom. You can't think like that." I said, quietly.

I didn't want to have this conversation anymore. I cut him off before he even had the chance to speak, "Tom, go and get some rest. Bren clearly needs it." I said, as I slowly stood from my chair.

He looked up at me, and then back to his girlfriend. "Yeah, okay." He said, as he reached over the table to gently take B's hand, and lead her out of the room.

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