thirty eight: sanguis horrendus

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{Sanguis horrendus - causing or expressing terror or horror.}

tw:  still born/traumatic birth 

y/n's pov:

Often, I find myself involved in situations that I do not want to experience. It always begins the same way; I'm going about my day like I normally do - working, cleaning, training, and yet, something somewhere surrounding us will change suddenly, and then everything is awful, and everyone goes back to grieving.

Today, the only thing I had planned to do was go on the hunt, and afterwards check out the final repairs on the kitchen.

But yet, somehow, here I am, forced to watch someone who deserves to be happy, be crushed under the weight of their grief, yet again.

I just looked at Brenda, and she, as lucid and sedated as she was, looked back at me with her eyes drooped and smile withering.

I hadn't said anything to her, or anyone - this moment was supposed to be precious, and meaningful, and I really didn't want to ruin that.


Newt tried desperately to get my attention from beside me, resting his hand on my arm to pull me out of the trance I had slipped into.

It wasn't working, and no one could manage to move Vin back to his room and out of the infirmary. He refused to budge from his bed, regardless of Lincoln's pleas.

"Brenda wants me here, Lincoln. I want to witness the little one's birth!"

Bren nodded, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she smiled.

I wanted to vomit.

Lincoln tried, helplessly. "Vin, please... it's not good to have too many people around right now..."

Thomas interjected, annoyed. "Lincoln, it's fine, he can stay, we really don't mind-"

"No," Newt began, "Lincoln's right, we need to clear out of here before Bren is fully dilated."

Lincoln appeared frustrated and almost snapped entirely. "I need you ALL out besides Tom and y/n."

We collectively turned to him, confused.

Vince chimed in fast. "Why would y/n stay here but not us?"

Lincoln was quickly losing his patience as he raced between Bren and his cabinet of medications. "I need her in here! Everyone else, get out!"

Newt jumped in, fast on his heels. "Why do you need y/n in here, hm?"

I watched as both men glared at the other. I interjected, "Can we not do this right now? We need to clear out of here before Bren begins pushing."

Tom stands, desperate to usher people out of the doors. "Guys, we need everyone out besides Lincoln..."

Lincoln huffs. "I need y/n in here right now-"

Newt scowls back at him. "What is wrong with you, man? Why do you always pull this shit?"

Thomas, who sat behind us as he held the hand of his heavily pregnant girlfriend, snickered. "Newt, can you beat him up outside? We're trying to have a baby here."

Lincoln glared over at him, gently helping Vince up from his bed. "I don't have the time to kick the shit out of Newt right now, Thomas. I need to deliver Bren's baby first, but then after, sure."

Newt laughed, so loudly and profoundly that it made an already very giggly Brenda laugh along with him. If the moment hadn't already become so bleak, it would have almost been funny, and maybe I would have joined in with them.

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