eighteen: casus

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{ casus - an adjective for when an event has created a downfall or mistake.}

Y/n's pov:

Brenda hadn't stopped pacing around my room for the past seven minutes.

"Tommy and I were so careful – I don't understand how this happened!"

I sat there on a chair in the corner of the room, trying to process all of the information being suddenly thrown at me. I stared straight at the wall as Brenda vented anxiously, not taking time to pause for breath.

"We haven't even finished the batch you got me a few weeks ago, we've got at least ten left; we don't have sex without them- this, it can't be happening." She sobbed quietly into her hands, plonking herself back down on my bed.

I hadn't said a word this whole time – I didn't know what to say.

Brenda cried, loudly as she stood once more. "I can't have a baby! The world... it's- it's no place for a child to grow up. We are under constant threat by Wicked and other rebel groups and also cranks and disease and there's weapons everywhere here - it's not safe for a baby."

She began to panic further as she fell down the rabbit hole of her own fear. "I might not even survive the birth – I could carry and grow this sack of cells around with me for nine months and then when its finally time, I could push the little monster out and then that's it – I'm dead, and Thomas will have to raise our child alone, if he's even alive at that point!"

I still didn't know what to say, but I thought anything would be helpful at this point. "Brenda, stop fucking spiralling and sit down! You're giving me a headache."

She obeyed fast, sitting herself back down on my bed once again. I steadied myself. "B, I know you're scared, but we need to figure this out. Yes, the world is not how it once was, and it's much more screwed up now, but that does not mean you can't have a child with the person you love, okay?"

She nodded slowly, her sadness seeping its way through her entire body so fast I could feel it from here. I cleared my throat. "You have other options, alright? Having this child is not the only option you have, B."

She looked at me, mortified at what I was implying. "And how would you want to go about doing that? Throw me down some stairs? Punch me a bunch of times in the gut?"

I realised she wouldn't be completely on board with the idea. "I mean I was going to let you choose but I thought the stairs idea could be pretty effective."

She threw a pillow from the head of my bed gently at my face, smacking me directly in the nose before falling to the floor. Brenda giggled.

I smiled annoyingly at her, trying to redirect the conversation. "In all seriousness B, you know that having this baby doesn't have to be your fate, right? We can still help or do something if that's what you want – I'm sure Lincoln would know what to do."

Her smile slightly faded into a frown, as she fiddled with her hands. "I don't know what to do, y/n. Thomas is going to freak out when I tell him."

I looked at her with pity. "He might freak out, but you can't really blame him. But if he does, he will eventually calm down and then the two of you can talk about it properly, okay?"

Brenda looked back up at me, her smile having slightly returned. "You're right, thank you y/n." The girl quickly stood, as she hurried over to me and threw her arms around my torso, trapping me in a tight embrace.

I stood there very awkwardly but couldn't deal with it for more than two seconds. "Okay, that's enough touching." I exclaimed, as she removed her arms from around me and huffed.

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