thirty: studiose

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{studiose - resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction for someone/something you care for.}

newt's pov:

When y/n returned from the hunt this evening, she didn't speak to anyone for a while.

I rushed over to her at first, catching her just as she climbed out of the truck and back into camp. She acted like she didn't even know me. Her eyes were cold, her features were distant and from first glance, she appeared to not even recognise who I was.

She strode past me, and headed straight to the council room. I spoke with Minho and Gally quickly after.

"She stopped the car in the middle of the road, and then I saw the heads... I thought I was going to throw up." Minho said, reminiscing the memory, terrified.

Gally scoffed. "And then he did throw up - five times."

Minho hit back at him, annoyed. "I'm a blacksmith, not a hunter! It's been years since the last time I went outside the walls, and then the first time I do, and this happens." He said, pacing and throwing about his arms.

Gally seemed much less distraught than Minho. He sighed, "It wasn't the heads that scared me, it was the message."

Once Gally and Minho had told me every detail of what happened, I went to search for y/n.

She wasn't in her room, or in the cafe or kitchen. Fry hadn't seen her all day, and neither had many others. I headed to the infirmary, which I had been trying to steer clear of for the past few weeks for many reasons.

I pushed on the door, and was immediately met with an incredibly anxious Lincoln.

"Newt! Please keep your voice down, I don't want Vince to wake up. His body needs to recover from last night, and it does that much better while he's unconscious."

I didn't even say anything as I walked in.

"Last night? What happened?" I asked, concerned. I looked over to Vince's bed to see his arms strapped down to the mattress, restraining him.

"Why are you restraining him? Surely he won't want that-"

Lincoln quickly interrupted me with a soft shush sound. I wanted to hit him in the face.

He looked at me confused. "Y/n didn't tell you?"

I stared back at him, irritated. "Tell me what?"

Lincoln walked me through the previous evening and what had transpired. He explained why it would be safer for Vince to be restrained for the meantime, and how we are not able to consider this as a sign of recovery.

My heart dropped for him, but also for y/n. I knew this must have crushed her. 

"Do you know where she is? Has she been by here, at all?" I quiered.

Lincoln nodded his head. "She came in here less than an hour ago to check on Vince. Once she was sure he was okay she headed off. 'Said she was doing a training session for the younger kids - bow and arrow 101 or something like that."

I was already in motion and moving back towards the door. "So, she'll be at the shooting range then, right?" I asked, turning my head back as I walked to witness Lincoln nod his head at me, and wave me off.

I raced over the path, down the hill and some stairs, through the trees and to the main door. I knew she was in there; I could hear the kids laughing, chatting and getting excited when they make their first proper shot.

I pushed open the door.

Her head turned quickly over to me as she heard me enter - I couldn't tell if she was happy to see me or not. 

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