ten: indulgentia

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{indulgentia – the feeling of fondness and gentleness that may not be reciprocated by the one you want it from most.}

y/n's pov:

We had been travelling for days.

I hadn't seen or spoken to Lincoln once since the journey began. Not that I'm complaining, but still, it feels odd for him to not be here pestering me every two seconds.

I stuck to what I said, or more correctly, whatever he insisted on, and went in a different truck than him. It made it easier, for everyone I'm sure.

I didn't really miss his presence, I didn't think. It was difficult to decide – I'm very used to him being around, looking out for me. His absence is notable; that's all I'll say.

In the truck with me was Vince, Harriet, Tom and Faye. Wasn't even that bad of a bunch, to be fair.

"All I'm saying is, you definitely could lick your elbow if you tried – I just can't do it due to lack of flexibility."

Thomas, from the minute I stepped into the truck, began spouting the most useless shit I could ever think of. I figured that after a few days of non stop driving that he might shut up, and let us all sleep.

But we all know that isn't his style.

Harriet rolled her eyes at the boy. "I've literally tried five times, it's impossible. Can we stop talking about this now? It's giving me a headache."

I nodded. "Agreed. Let's just muzzle Tom and get some sleep."

The boy looked mortified. "Do not treat me like a dog y/n. I know when to be quiet, so I'll just stop talking, okay?"

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Thomas laughed. "I'm only joking of course – do you guys have a favourite type of soup?"

I felt just about ready to snap his head off his body. Annoyed, I turned to speak to Vince. "How much further Vin? I don't know how much longer I can go with Tom sat directly behind me."

When looking at Vince, two things came to mind. One, is that he still looks incredibly ill. His face was gaunt and pale, the skin held so tightly onto the bone, I wasn't sure how much would be left of him by the end of the trip. And two, is that he may kill Tom even before I do.

He took in a small breath, and replied. "Not long at all now, actually. Just a few more miles and we will be at our new camp."

I wasn't sure how to feel about going to a new camp - didn't exactly have a choice in the matter, however.

"Wow, I thought we'd never make it." Thomas exclaimed, looking out of his window at the view.

Most things around us were barren and dry, not one person was around to keep things alive and green. It was an upsetting statement of what our world had become.

"Me neither, but we are close." Vince replied, his voice raspy.

I nodded my head and sat back in my seat.

"Do you know what the new camp is like, Vince?" Harriet asked, grasping at her girlfriends hand.

Vince shook his head. "I've never been there personally, but it's supposed to be very open with lots of fields, and there is apparently a large lake for you all to swim in." From the sounds of it, it could be a great place to live.

But since everything happened, it's been difficult to enjoy any environment I'm in.

He's not here, so what's the point of even trying?

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