thirteen: miseros

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{miseros - a state where things always end up unfortunately for yourself or others.}

newt's pov:

"I explained last night how it wasn't safe to stay here, why are you so surprised we're leaving now?" Rainer exclaimed, turning to me with an irritated expression and a sweaty forehead.

I was so tired I could feel my eyes drying up. "Not surprised – more, concerned than anything else." I replied, blinking rapidly to lubricate my eyelids.

Rainer was running around like he had no head and was determined to find it. "Shouldn't the fact that Wicked soldiers just entered this camp be more concerning? We cannot stay here and you know it."

I sighed. "Yeah, I'm aware but we haven't even figured out how many died and we haven't accounted for what we do with them-"

Rainer cut me off. "Only one person died last night. They've been accounted for, and we're dealing with it. Alright?" He asked, packing a number of guns into a rucksack.

I was sure I didn't want to know who it was that died. It made it easier that way. "When do we leave?" I asked, hoping for it to be later rather than sooner.

Rainer looked at me quickly, and then scanned over all the people around me. "I will explain as soon as I can." He replied, before sprinting out of the room.

I looked over to Amos, confusion definitely reflecting my features. "Where the shuck is he going?"

Amos shrugged. "I don't even know anymore, he's going insane if you ask me." The boy replied, reloading his rifle with bullets on the table.

Fi slid my glock to me along the wood. "He has a plan – just none of us know what it is." She said as she stood there sharpening her knife. Fi had barely said anything since Rainer told us we had to reside around the counsel table. I thought there might be something wrong, that maybe the person we had lost was someone she knew, but she didn't let on. Didn't let us know if she was okay, and while I'd normally ask and check in, I felt as if this was more important.

She was more important.

I nodded. "Right well, if he has a plan I'm sure it's great. Let's just trust him, right?"

Fi looked at me strangely. "We only trust him. He is the only one we can trust, Newt. You should know that by now."

Fiona picked up her pistol and blade, and put them in her holster. She headed for the door, walking hastily away from us, before she was shoved backwards and up against the counsel table.

Rainer strutted in, behind him was the entire camp.

"Everyone in." He exclaimed, and everyone followed his instruction and piled into the room. It felt incredibly cramped.

"Everyone listen up!" He shouted, and everybody followed in suit. Everyone was watching and paying attention to only Rainer.

He had entirely everyone's attention.

"I'm only going to explain this once, and I am not in the mood to explain it again, so everybody listen up." His voice was loud, it carried gravitas in every syllable, and since the first word was uttered, no one said a thing.

He spread his palms across the table. "We are leaving as soon as physically possible, but we're not all going in the same direction." He started, "There is 48 of us in total – I've divided you all into teams of sixes. You will be travelling within these groups to find one specific camp. This camp is owned by a man named Vince. He is who we are looking for – but more importantly, we are looking for one of his soldiers."

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