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Hunter's POV

"Are you sure you'll go, Grey?" Elly asked me. I have a business meeting and I need to go.

"Elly, I need to go. Just tell Ash that I'll be back later" I replied. He sighed.

"But you know that you'll meet that girl. You already know that she likes you and now? The f*ck, Grey"he said.

"I won't let her touch me, Elly. Don't worry. I have to go now, Elly. I'll be back later, I promise" I said on him before I walked outside. The sky is so gloomy. I walked inside of my car before I drove to the hotel where the meeting was.

'Why do I feel like there's something might happen?'

After a half hour, I already arrived on the hotel. I parked my car before I walked outside. I even saw the girl that Elly was pertaining to. The girl who likes me.

'Nathalie Valeria Jackson'

She looks towards me and smiled at me. I just looked at her bored before I started to walk not minding her presence. I walked towards the empty elevator and for pete's sake, why does she have to be with me on this empty elevator.

"Hi Hunter" she said. I just looked straight before I pushed the button.

"I said, hi Hunter"she said again. I looked at her with my cold eyes as she smiled at me.

"What do you want?"I asked coldly.

"Aren't you gonna greet me?"she asked back. I looked in front of me.

"Why would I?"I asked again.

"You're my type, you know?"she said.

"And you're not my type so f*ck off" I replied. The door opened that made me walked outside of the elevator. She followed me as we reached the room where the other business mens are waiting.

I saw Nathalie walked towards the girl who's preparing our coffee. I didn't mind them as I sat down on the vacant chair.

"What's the problem?" I asked all of them.

"Mr. Carter, since most of the people here in the Philippines are poor. We should have make their salary go up" Mr. Villaros said.

"And?"I asked back.

"They've been complaining about their salary, Mr. Carter. And your father wants to build a orphanage"Mr. Paulo said.

"Is that all the problem?"I asked them again.

"Mr. Carter, I think you should know that one of your stockholders is betraying you"Mr. Dela Cruz said.

"How do you say so?"I asked him.

"It's because the profit of your products become lower and lower as the days go by"he replied.

"You need help, Hunter?"Nathalie asked me. I didn't looked at her as I make some plan.

"You need to make up some plan, Carter or else, your company will go bankrupt"Me. Paulo said.

We made a plan on saving my company. They are my stockholders so they help me with this. During the meeting, the girl gave us our coffee. I took a sip of the coffee before we continue our conversation.

After an hour of discussion, my stockholders went home but I stayed. Even Nathalie stayed. I stand up because I can't stand the fact that I'm with this girl. As I stand up, all of a sudden I feel dizzy. Nathalie help me by holding my arm but I get back my arm as I started to walk. But damn, I feel so dizzy that I can't take it anymore. I fell on the floor as my vision started to get blurry.

"The plan worked! Sorry not sorry, Hunter" I heard Nathalie said before my vision turned black.

'Damn you, Nathalie!'

Hans's POV

I place Grey on the bed as me and Nathalie smirked. Our plan worked.

"You have to do your job now, Nathalie" I said on her.

"Sure thing, Hans"she replied.

"I'll be back tommorow morning. Don't do anything. Just make sure that if he wakes up, both of you are naked. Don't let him runaway"I reminded her.

"I'll take care of my job, Hans" she replied before she went towards me and kissed my lips. I pushed her away from me.

"You're so disgusting, Nathalie" I said on her.

"You like me right? Let's have fun"she said.
I glared at her before I held her arm tightly.

"I don't like you, Nathalie. I was once loved you but after knowing that you like my friend, I get rid of my feelings for you. You're a disgusting piece of shit, Nathalie! While we're in a relationship, you f*ck men! And I was disgusted on what you were did. And even Tristan f*cked you!" I angrily said on her.

"But you also f*cked me, Hans"she said.

"And that was my biggest mistake! I f*cked the girl who've been f*ck by mens. I thought you're loyal to me but I was wrong. You f*cking hurt me, Nathalie. I am just doing this for money and not for you!" I said before I harshly let go of her hand.

I walked outside the room as I remember how she cheated on me and started to walked away. How I caught her f*cking by other guy. I forgive her because I love her. But he abuse my kindness on her. Now, she turned me into a cold hearted person. I'm just being a good friend towards my friends but when I face others, I became a cold hearted.

I hope if they found out this, I hope they forgive me. I'm sorry for betraying you, Grey. I'm sorry for doing this on you. You've been  good friend to me but I betrayed you.i hope you'll forgive me on what I did. I'm sorry.

'I just did it because I was hurt. The girl that I loved likes you. I want a revenge. And I'm sorry for that'

I took a deep sighed before I opened my car and I was about to go inside when a hand pushed the door of my car that made me shocked.

"Since when are you betraying my brother, Hans Walker?" his venomous voice made me shiver and I begun to sweat.

"Why so shock?"he asked again. He hold me and made me face him. I looked at Liam, Hunter's brother. He is looking at me coldly like I was a stranger on him.

"Where's you tongue now, Hans?" He asked me again. I held his hand that was holding me and I was trying to take it off of me but I can't. He's too strong.

"Let go of me, Liam!" I said on him but he just held me tightly that made me winced in pain.

"Why did you betrayed my brother, Hans!?" he asked again.

"He took my girl away!" I replied. He punched me hard that made me fell on the ground.

"And you f*cking know that he didn't did it! Your girl likes my brother while brother didn't even bother to like her back! Don't make me laugh on your stupidity, Hans. You're spouting nonsense!" he said. I didn't utter a word. He grabbed my collar.

"Just remember this, Hans. I'll make sure that you will regret this! I'll this to my brother and I'll make sure that he'll kill you!"he said before he let go of me and walked away.

'Damn it! I'm doomed. I hope he won't tell to Elly and Malique'

To be continued

The Mafia Lord's Bride (Mafia Series #1)✓Where stories live. Discover now