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Hunter's POV

I didn't came out of my room since yesterday. I didn't let them to go inside of my room. I didn't even eat. I'm so weak right now. I don't know what should I do to make him believe me.

"He hates me now" I mumbled as I hid my face with a pillow.

After what happened yesterday, that's when I realized that I love him. I can't lose him. I can't lose the person that I love. I can't lose my wife. I'm a damn f*cking mafia. I am the most intimidating person but I became weak because of him. He's my strengths and weakness.

I was thinking of Asher when someone knocked on my door. I sat up and look at my door.

"Who's that?" I asked. My voice cracked. I can't stop crying and blame myself for what happened yesterday.

"It's me, Grey. Elly"the person said. I stand up weakly as I walked towards my door and unlocked it. Elly was shock on what he's seeing right now. He was standing in front of me. I can clearly see on his eyes that he's confused. I walked back on my bed and sat down on the edge of it.

"Please lock the door" I said while looking down. He walked in as he close the door and locked it. He sat down on the single sofa that was in front of me.

"You're such a mess, Grey" he said. I didn't utter a word.

"My brother became your weakness. It's unlikely to see you like this, Grey. I don't know I should pity you or I should be mad at you because of what you did on my brother" he said.

I still didn't utter a word. I heard him took a deep breath.

"What happened to you, Grey? You should be happy because of what you did. I didn't expecting to see you like this. Grey, can you please speak?" he said again. I looked at him straight in the eye.

"I didn't mean to hurt Asher, Elly. I don't even know what happened. I don't know why I ended up on that room. Elly, believe me. I-i don't know anything. The last time I remember is I was about to leave on the meeting when I feel dizzy so sudden. I remember that Nathalie just looking at me as I fell on the floor"I explained.

"What did you drink yesterday?" he asked.

"I remember that I drink a coffee that the girl gave us"I replied.

"I don't know who are telling the truth, Grey. I need evidence" he said.

"Elly, I'm telling the truth" I pleased.

"I'm sorry, Grey. But for now, I won't believe you. I need an evidence, Grey. You hurt my brother. Casper or should I say Tristan went on our house yesterday. He saw him outside of that hotel. He was standing there while it's raining. I thought I wouldn't see my brother but he came and bring my brother back. He was burning yesterday until now"he said.

"H-how is he?"I asked him.

"He's still unconscious, Grey. We don't know when he will wake up. Tristan was there to watch him" he said.

My heart aches just by hearing that Tristan is taking care of Asher while I am here, scared of seeing him.

"If you want me to believe you, give me an evidence" he said.

"Can I see him?"I asked.

"Grey, for now you can't. There's a possibility that Tristan will kill you. He loves Asher so much, Grey. Like me, he doesn't want anyone to hurt him" he replied.

"I love your brother" I said that made him smiled.

"I already knew it from the start, Grey. You just kept on denying it. Don't worry, I'll help you to gather a evidence" he said before he stand up.

"You should eat and take care of yourself, Grey. I don't want my brother to see you like this. I know that he stills loves you because he can't easily forget you" he said before he walked away.

I stand up and walked towards my bathroom. I took a bath. I'm jealous on Tristan. I sighed as I went out of my room. I saw Dad and Liam who's sitting on the couch.

"I'm glad you came out of your room" Dad said on me. I just nod my head before I proceed to the kitchen. I eat alone as I remember Asher. I miss him. I missed his cooks. I missed his smile, his laugh, his lips. I miss everything about him. My eyes got teared as I remember everything about him. Suddenly, I felt someone hugged me.

"Grey, it's okay. I'll help you with your problem. Just don't let it ruin yourself, Grey. I'll help you with it. If you want to cry, just cry on me. I'm your brother, Grey. Dad and I are always here for you"Liam said on me as he hugged me tightly. My tears stated to fall down.

"I love him, Liam. I really love him" I said.

"We already know that, son. But please, be strong" Dad said on me. He hugged me too.

I'm glad that I have a family like them. Even though I'm a cold hearted person, they still here for me. They didn't get tired of my shits.

After what happened, we went back on the hotel. We went to the officers who's monitoring the cctv.

"You're not allowed here, sir" the security said.

"We just want to see something" Dad said.

"But sir—" the security stopped on talking when Liam cussed on him.

"Are you f*cking dumb!? Don't make us mad you f*cker! Let us f*cking in or else, I'll make sure that I will bury you alive! Now, open that f*cking door!" Liam said. The security opened the door. We walked in as we saw two men sitting on the chair while monitoring the cctv's.

"Excuse me?" Dad said. I just remained silent. The two officers look at us.

"Mr. Carter! What's bring you here?" the guy asked.

"Do you have a clip on what happened yesterday on the meeting place of my brother?" Liam asked back.

"Sure, Sir! Wait, sir. Here"the other guy said. I move forward to see what's happening. As I walked inside of the meeting place, I saw Nathalie. She gave the girl something.

"That's when I saw Nathalie walked towards that girl" I said. As times go by, I saw the girl put something on my coffee. She directly put it beside me.

I watch how I fell down on the floor while Nathalie smirked on me. Suddenly, a boy walk inside. He carried me.

"Can we see the cctv on the elevator?" Dad asked.

At the elevay scene, I saw Nathalie talking to the guy. Base on his aura, I think I know who he is. They went out of the elevator. Next scene is on the hallway, they went inside of the room.

"Do you have a camera on that room?" I asked them.

"They have" Liam replied. The next scene is on the room. The guy place me on the bed. They talked again. Now I already know who is that guy. It was Hans. My hands turned into a fist. After that, Hans walked away as Nathalie begun to undressed me.

"I knew it!" Liam said.

"Can we have the clip of that video?" Dad asked.

"Sure, sir. It's already ready, since Sir Liam went here yesterday. He told us that something was off" the officer said. I looked at Liam who's looking at me.

"I just did that for you, Grey"he said. I hugged him.

"Thanks, Liam"I said. He just tapped my back before he laughed.

"Let's go now. We still need to grow our company. Grey, can you still wait? You don't have to tell them this right away" dad said on me.

"I understand, dad. We should prioritize our company first" I replied.

"That's my brother!"Liam said. I just rolled my eyes on me.

Just wait Hans, I'll make sure that I will kill you. You betrayed me. Nothing happened between me and Nathalie.

'Just wait. I will make Asher mine'

To be continued

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