4: Land Of Birds?

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3rd person pov:

As Dabi's fellow crew is being lead over to chisaki's ship. Some of his men have raided the ship.

Kirogiri:"no signs of him on board. Shigaraki must've warned him."

Shig:"You're the informant!? You heartless basterd!"

Shigaraki rushes to tackle kirogiri. Only for Kai to roundhouse kick him in the gut. Knocking the air out and momentarily stunning him.

Kai looks out and sees a tiny boat setting out.

Kai:"Bring these men back, and be sure this one is treated like a special guest."

Kai throws Shigaraki over to his men.

Kai:"Kirogiri and sceptic. You're coming with me. We're going hunting."

Four weeks have passed and dabi is asleep. Dreaming that he's under the ocean. Unable to break through the surface of the water. Reaching for the stars above.

Meanwhile, they land on a shore of an uncharted island.

Gin:"Hey boss. Wake up. We've landed."

Dabi seems to be in a deep sleep. So he shakes dabi. Only for it to fail.


As twice looks out at the ocean. He sees Kai following them.

Gin:"Oh SHIT!"

Twice covers dabi with a blanket and moves to run away. Only for Kai to shoot him in the leg.

Twice goes down and tries to get back up. Only for the metal of a barrel to press against the back of his head.

Kai:"Where is he?"

Twice reaches for the knife in his boot, and as he turns to stab Kai.


Kai:"Search around. He couldn't have gotten far."

Sceptic searches the beach. While kirogiri heads into the forrest. Kai spits on Twice before looking at the boat.

Kai:"Are you hiding? How childish."
As Kai reaches for the blanket. A shadow flies above him.

Kai looks up to see a seagul.

Kai:"Damn bird."

As he grabs the blanket. He hears something singing.

"From the sky up above. To the mountains below. Our love will forever grow. Though we can not touch our storms to crush, those that keep us apaaaaart!"

Kai let's go of the cover and heads into the forrest.

Kai:^This song. I must know who or what is making such a beautiful sound.^


An inchanting corus guides all three in.

Kai reaches a runnedown house in the middle of the island. As something on the roof stands with huge wings.

"Our love hopes to blossom in the clouds one day. In hopes of a storm that'll wash our chains away."

Twice human like hands with sharp nails gently clasp kai's face. As the creature stops humming. It draws near as if to kiss Kai. Only to show its fangs.

When the song stops. Dabi wakes up. Only to see that it's night out. The sun has set, and he sees sand below the boat. As the full moon lights up the dark.

Dabi:"Twice. You there?"

Dabi steps out and stumbles.

Dabi:"Sealegs wake up."

As dabi tries to stand. He sees twices body laying there. So dabi pulls him to the forrest line and starts digging a hole. Once twice was buried. Dabi tapes a sip of his flask before pouring the rest atop his grave.

Dabi:"Party on, and one day we'll meet again."

Dabi then starts a fire and heats up a needle. Adding a silver piercing to his wrist.

Dabi then goes fishing and catches about ten fish. So he cooks then by the fire as he rests once more. Only to wake up when a seagul steals two fish.

Dabi:"Back off or I'll cook you next you little air rats!"

Dabi tries to shoe them away
, but ends up following the thieves to the house. Where he sees kai's body ripped to bits, and the seagul landing on the roof of the house. Just as dabi is about to walk out of the forrest shadows. A blonde human is seen sitting up and pats the seagul. Before splitting the fish with it.

Dabi steps back. Only to step on a twig. Causing a loud cracking sound.

The male on the roof looks over. Those golden narrowed snake like eyes look over and see Dabi's terrified face before he steps away slowly. Once out of the forrest. He hears a melody of a song, but without words that match. Only cries of something lonely.

Dabi eats three of the fish but leaves the rest. While he uses his, and twice's flasks with a bamboo shoot to make a fresh water source with the fire. When dabi sees the seaguls fly over. He ensures that there's enough fish or wild bore meat to share.

For about a week dabi seems to have been getting closer to the birds. Even feeding them aswell. Until one night a seagul lands on his chest. Waking dabi up and pointing its beek and wing to the forrest.

Dabi gulps before heading in. Knowing that that thing has asked for him.

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