13: Fate's Breath On The Wind

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3rd person pov:

Izuku walks up with the starry eyes that bakugou knows all too well.

Baku:"Shit. He wants something."


By the time they're close. Izuku is out of breath, and Hawks has cut the ropes that bind dabi.

Dabi:"I could've gotten that off on my own."

Haw:"Sure you could."

Hawks says with a sarcastic tone.

Kiri:"Boss, we got a problem. There's a creature on the island. It feeds on captive humans. I found two alive chained up under a nest of a house. They seemed under a charm. So I put them both out of their misery."

Dabi looks over at Hawks with a glare.

Haw:"Don't look at me that way. Meat is hard to come by when you can't dive in the water."

As dabi sighs and holds Hawks hand to walk away. Izuku steps infront and gets up close to Hawks.

Izuku looks into hawks eyes before looking up close at his winds.

Izu:"Wow, your wings are beautiful. Wait, you don't have a beek to preen them. Is that why you have scales on the back, or is it to destract preditors?"

Hawks feels uncomfortable and takes a step back. Only for izuku to get in his face.

Sho:"Leave him alone midoriya. You can ask him more questions later. Right now there's more important matters."

Izu:"Right, I forgot to tell you. So about us leaving. Yeah um..... we're stranded. Our sails ripped to shreds."

Bakugou glares at Hawks.

Baku:"Ripped, or cut?"

Dabi pinches Hawks ear to drag him aside.

Dabi: Lets talk birdbrain."

Haw:"ou ou ouch, hey!"

Dabi:"Don't hey me. Did you do that?"

Haw:"At least I didn't kill one of them. Ouch!"

Dabi tugs his ear again before letting him go.

Dabi:"So angry blonde. If we fix your sails. Can we talk about traveling with your crew until we find another uncharted island. We'll even help restock the ship with food."

Baku:"After you fix what that thing broke. I'll talk with you, but only under one condition. If we travel with that thing-"

Hawks growls.

Haw:"The name's Hawks."

Baku:"your name is trouble. Now shut the fuck up."

Dabi:"He's coming with me. That's not up for discussion."

Izu:"Are you both in love?"

Dabi and hawks both blush and hawks looks down.

Izu:"Aww that's so sweet."

Izuku holds both of their hands.

Izu:"If you both decide to get married. I'll make it official."

Izuku shows his collar to dabi who's eyes widen.

Dabi:"A priest?"

Baku:"It's a long story. We'll talk more once you've cleaned up this mess you've made."

Denki heads back to start work8ng on a camp site. That's when hawks remembers about the food.

Haw:"Oh crap. I forgot about the food."

Dabi:"It's fine. We'll figure something out."

Bakugou leans in close to sero's ear.

Baku:"Watch over them. If that bird hums a single tune. Put it down."

Sero nods as izuku stays with dabi to help them get a meal before starting on the sails.

Meanwhile on a ship far away. Enji walks on deck for a report.

Aiz:"We're on track, and will arrive in under ten days."

Enji sips his tea before dismissing him.

Enji:"Very good. That nose of yours really is something. Keep us on track hell hound."

Aiz:"Yes sir."

As the seas calm down. Enji pushes one of Dabi's old crewmates to look over the edge.

Toga struggles to break free of his grip.

Enji:"Thanks to one of my men getting a bit too drunk. We found out your secret little lady."

Enji slits her throat to poor into the seas before kicking her off the ship.

Enji:"weman on board are unlucky. So I made use of you to protect us from the Rath of the sea."

As dabi eats with Bakugou's crew and tells them stories of him at sea. A raven flys overhead and lands on the mast of the ship. Bakugou sees this and mutters to himself.

Baku:"Troubling times are closing in."

Shoto hears him.

Sho:"I never knew you were superstitious."

Baku:"It keeps you alive longer."

As bakugou takes a big gulp from his flask. He gives out the order.

Baku:"Oi! We can't stay here too long! Now get your asses up and start repairing the ship!"

Dabi gets up to start on the ship.

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