21:Seeing Red

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3rd person pov:

The front door opens to hawks wearing a suit and tie. His hair combed back and bangs to the side. Making him look cleaned up.

Hawks walks in with heavy steps until he stops at the table. Slamming both hands on the table so hard that enji's wine almost spills.

Enji:"Sit don't and join me for a meal."

Haw:"I'm not here to eat. I only want what you took from me."

Enji:"I see another one of my sons has disappointed me. Yet I still took the risk when I sentenced natsuo to death. He helped touya escape after all."

Haw:"Let dabi and that blonde captain go free. In exchange I'll let you have what you want. For I have the necklace you seek."

Enji stops eating and sets down his spoon.

Enji:"Looks like we have a deal. Aizawa, take our guest to his new home and see to it that he's comfortable. Tomorrow, we'll release those two. One for the necklace and the other for his wings."

Haw:"Wait what. No you can't!"

Aizawa uses his tails and captures Hawks. As he struggles. Feathers come out of his clothes to attack shota. Only his a bite from aizawa's jaw to his neck to stun Hawks. Now unable to talk, move, or breathe. Hawks soon goes limp.

Enji:"Try not to damage him too much. I want mic to still have something to play with while we annoy tomorrow night's entertainment."

As dabi sleeps. His water dream changes. Walls cup around him when the water turns red. So dabi looks up at the sky. Only to see two red eyes looking down at him. Then teeth of a beast draw near as the cup tilts into the monster's mouth. Just as it looks as if he is about to be swallowed. Dabi opens his eyes to see mic cooking pork belly straps for breakfast.

Mic:"Oh good you're awake. Now I can tell you the good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?"

Dabi glares because of the rag still tied around his mouth. So mic giggles.

Mic:"Well I'll just start with the bad news. You see..."

Mic flips the meat over on his wood burning stove.

Mic:"Our time together is up. The good news is someone has come to take your place. Once breakfast is done. I'll let shota take you to thank him. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again."

As mic eats his food. Dabi tries to think of who would try to save him. That's when aizawa walks in and shackles dabi and removes the gag.

Aiz:"Let's go up the tower."

As dabi is walked down the halls. He looks into enji's office. Only to see bright red wings wing fish scails beside the old and dusty brown wings.

Dabi stops as his eyes widen in disbelief.

Dabi:"He didn't."

Aiz:"Get moving."

A tail wraps around Dabi's throat and pushes him forward. As they head up the stairs of the tower. Dabi hears humming up ahead. It sounds faint and trembling like whomever is singing is hurt.

Dabi runs up the stairs. Shackles cl8nk with every heavy step forward.

Dabi:^No no no No nO NO!^

dabi reaches the top room and looks between the bars. There he sees a back covered in blood and undressed wounds by the spine. Arms forced up by heavy chains. Each link weighing up to a pound. Legs bound together and forced down by chains that are attached to a pulls. Forcing the prisoner to hang above the floor without being about to bend a single joint.

Dabi reaches beyond the bars, and just as he's about to speak. He remembers the last thing he said to hawks. So he pulls back and falls to his knees with his head down.

The chime of the metal against stone causes hawks to go silent and look back.

Dabi:"I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean any of it. I just wanted to protect you from him. Now I see how foolish I was."


Dabi looks up to see the iron gag on him to prevent charming. The sight of that and a collar on Hawks causes dabi to cry and reach out.

Dabi:"I love you and I always will! I'll get you out of here no matter what is takes!"

Aiz:"Don't get his hopes up. You and I both know that isn't gonna happen. At least you'll both reunite in death. While you're being executed. He'll by bisected."

Hawks growls and hisses the best he can while trying to move.

Haw:"Ee ah uh heea!"(we had a deal!)

Aiz:"Touya didn't warn you? You should never make a deal with enji todoroki."

As aizawa reaches down to drag dabi away. Dabi lunges forward and pushes aizawa down the stairs, but not before his hand grabs the keys.

Dabi:"I won't let you get what you want! Fucking mut."

Dabi then starts to try and find the right key.

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