6: Charm At Any Cost

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3rd person pov:

As bakugou turns away from shoto, who has gotten down off the mast.

Baku:"Oi! Let's turn this ship around! We'll go back to-"

Shoto mutters to himself before pulling out a knife.

Sho:"If we really are in the sea of sticks. Then a toll must be paided to continue safely."

Shoto cuts his own hand and holds it off the bow of the ship.

Baku:"What the hell is he doing!?"

Izu:"I heard about this once. Though many think to pay coin. The ocean only wants blood as payment. As we have done her wrong."

Shoto closes his eyes and whispers a prayer in the wind of their sails.

Sho:"I ask of the only one wish. Guide us safely through your doors. Letting our only wish to glide on your waves. Hurting not a soul of your children."

Shoto clinches his fist, and two drops drip into the water below. The winds blow strong and waves push them forward past Dabi's old ship. Before claiming it in a crash of her embrace behind them.

Baku:"Holy shit. Did he just make a deal with the fucking sea god?"

Izuku pulls bakugou close and whispers in his ear.

Izu:"If the rumors are true. Dabi has what the sea wants. We'd better help shoto. Unless you wanna end up like that ship."

Bakugou grits his teeth. Before pulling izuku to his room.


Baku:"I need a release of tension nerd."

Izuku blushes before nodding. Only for shoto to see things differently. He sees izuku being dragged away. Thinking that the captain is about to hurt him. Shoto walks forward. Only to be pulled back by kirishima.

Kiri:"It's a good thing your ass wasn't killed at the start, or else we all would've died."

Shoto sees the door shut behind Bakugou. So he looks glum.

Kiri:"Three cheers for the only rat to not be keelhauled!"

Kirishima pulls shoto in and walks him below deck in celebration.

Sho:^ I thought at first that I wanted to do anything to thank you for saving me. It's only now I realize that these feelings are more than a friendship, or at least I wish they were. Tonight I'll save you from him.^

Meanwhile, dabi opens his eyes to see the creature patting his chest, and groping him.

Dabi flinches and backs away. Standing up with his back against the wall. Only for the blonde to stand aswell.

Dabi:"W..what the hell are you?"

He tilts his head and blinks. Before putting the bracelet to Dabi's necklace. That's when he sees that the stones of both are like puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly.

Dabi:"Is that-? I thought it was lost in the sea."

Haw:"My father has had it in his family since the beginning. The men in the family are forced to wear it at birth. Cured to never find true love with life ever lasting, or at least until the sky comes to claim us. Always leaving the bracelet on earth. The ocean even rejects me. Don't worry I promise not to hurt you. "

Dabi:"How can I trust what you've told me to be true. You fucking stabbed me!"

The creature backs away and flaps its wings to land on the roof. Leaving behind red fish scales.

Dabi pats his sides. Only to realize that he's unarmed.


The creature pulls up the gun that dabi had on him earlier. Only to crush it like paper in his claws.

Haw:"The name's Hawks, and you my dear human, aren't leaving my nest until I find out if you're a threat or not. You see I'm the last creature of these waters after the great hunt you humans did over ten years ago. Infact, a man with your eyes killed both of my parents. So finding out that my charms don't work on you. Makes me fear that you will claim the fInAl, trophy."

Dabi sits down and grits his teeth.

Dabi:"That basterd."

Hawks flies down without a sound and gentle grasps Dabi's chin to make him look up. Hawks eyes soften as he moves in close. Whispering in a seductive tone.

Haw:"Now human. Why don't you tell me your name."

Dabi's anger fades away as his demeanor changes.

Dabi:"M....my name is Dabi."

Haw:"Well dabi. Let me give you an apology. Consider this kiss a sign of trust to grow."

When his lips draw near. Dabi's quivers. Only for hawks to plant it on his cheek.

Dabi doesn't speak or move. Yet his face turns red.

Hawks confidence falls. As sarrow takes his smile away.

Haw:"I guess you weren't the one after all."

As Hawks turns around and his eyes fill with tears and anger.

Dabi's arms wrap around him.

Haw:"Let go of me puppet. You're all the same. I thought maybe this time there was hope, but now I know the truth. I'm always gonna be al-"

Dabi straddles Hawks and growls. Something that no other human has done before. Dabi has taken charge, and now Hawks finds himself submitting to someone instead.

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