Chapter 4 - Forwards and Backwards

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A/N: I see I have a few reads here so welcome! Any votes, comments, etc. are appreciated and I would love to know how you're liking the story! I am starting to get drawn into the world I have created and have tons of ideas! Anyway, enjoy!

Meg came into the room and slammed the door shut, unsure if her mother was there or not. It was now about one in the morning and all had been asleep for some time. However after hearing about a tip from the local inn, Meg brought the bread to her mother and made her way out the door once more. Only this time she did not return for several hours. It took a few hours just to find the right town of people to talk about a man with such a mask and by then she was hungry. Meg ate at a local restaurant but didn't have enough to pay the bill so ended up working for a few hours to cover the cost instead of getting called upon by the police, which set her back a little more. Washing dishes wasn't as horrid a thing as all the maids made it seem to be. Alas once she was done, she continued her search and came across an inn that seemed to have no name. You wouldn't have known that it was an inn due to the fact that there was no signage except for the bar which was located inside the inn and noises; was that a woman screaming in one of the rooms!? Oh how annoying is that.

When all hope seemed lost she was about to give up and try the bar inside but then found a young man of whom to question. She made her way over to him, shaking her head. 'I wonder if he thinks I'm one of those whores that likes to scream all over the sheets like our friend upstairs' she thought to herself, smiling. Meg quickly hid her smirk as she got closer to the lad. He looked rather young himself, maybe not even an adult? No, he looked at least 18. The man seemed to think she was walking to someone behind him, and then he became frightened. She had to make this quick.

"Oui, monsieur, one moment please?" she asked, trying to hide her face from the man so he wouldn't recognize her. Not that she had been anywhere near these roads but she wasn't sure how far her face could spread, being part of the opera populaire and all.

He seemed to not even recognize her as they had their conversation. At first the man was cooperative but then became curious with all of her questions. Normally she would work her charm but she was growing impatient and tired so she decided to skip that for now. It seemed she found another dead lead until she glanced down at the piece of paper in his hand. Immediately recognizing the stationary as her own, she decided to drop the subject all together. Giving the man her name was obviously harmless; she did so and then walked away. Little did she know it would take her about an hour to get back home. She almost got lost when she recognized one of her favorite spots and made her way back to the hotel.

Once inside the building she quickly made her way past anyone who would recognize her and slammed the door, obviously annoyed that it not only took so long but that she was being led down a wild goose chase.

"Meg?" Mme. Giry asked, slowly raising from her bed. She had been waiting up for Meg, this she knew.

"Oui" she said softly, removing her coat and placing it on the hook behind the door, "It's me mother."

"Meg, do you have any idea what time it is?" she asked again, sitting up in the bed while crossing her arms, obviously displeased by Meg's tardiness.

"Yes and I am sorry, but I have news that will brighten your day?" Meg replied, moving towards the bed her mother was laying in and sitting on the edge.

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