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Erik had been sitting in the office then, going over the paperwork of the deal he had just signed with Gaston Leroux about writing a novel about his former life back in France. He wanted to name it after his nickname, The Phantom of the Opera to showcase what truly had happened between him and his former lover. Throughout a series of interviews, Erik was going to tell his story to the best of his ability, ending it when Christine left him so that others would not know of his current whereabouts. He did not know how Meg was going to react to him revealing his former situation to the whole world but the promise of wealth was something he needed, especially since everyone had worked so hard. He heard Meg answering a series of questions but could not make out the specifics, wanting to truly be present at the party downstairs but he was not ready to express his true identity yet. 

Pacing back and fourth in his room, he debated for quite some time as to what he should do. Should he risk his identity by coming downstairs and greeting the ever curious attendee or should he keep locked away in his office? The sun was setting as he decided to remain hidden in the shadows, just as his former self would have done. He could not believe it had already been three years since his beloved home was destroyed. After the opera burned down to the ground, he felt lost and unsure of what to do. He had met many people along the way and had even fallen in love with Meg, the very same one who annoyed him to no end back in France. Perhaps it was Christine's rejection that left him feeling closed off and vulnerable, but she had opened up a side of him that he had determined to keep locked away forever. He had been so sure he was going to die alone in solitude, forever haunting the destroyed opera house that he had poured his heart and soul into.

Before his mind could wander any longer, Nadir bursted into his office with a worried look on his face, pushing away any thoughts Erik had to the back of his mind, "Erik, you need to come downstairs and quick."

Erik raised his eyebrow at his old friend, unsure of the hastiness in his tone,"Nadir, you know I cannot do that. My identity-"

"Your identity is the least of our worries now Erik," he interrupted, walking over to Erik as he fought the urge to drag him out of the office. He began searching around the room for the gun he knew that Erik had in his office, though he had fought with Erik to obtain the gun to begin with.

"What do you mean Daroga? Why are you acting so rash?" Erik inquired, silencing any thoughts as he heard a gun shot sounding off in the ballroom in the distance.


Erik immediately went into his lower drawer and pulled out his own riffle, looking at Nadir who had nothing to defend himself with. Nadir knew he had the gun somewhere, but he did not know that it was that obvious. Erik sighed since Nadir did not own his own gun and went over to the picture hanging right next to the door, a beautiful Monet painting that he had purchased from the seller himself around ten years ago. He removed it carefully, setting it down on the floor as revealed the safe he had been hiding behind it. Nadir gasped at the unknown safe as Erik unlocked it, tossing the other gun to Nadir whom caught it gracefully. 

"Erik, shouldn't we call the police to aid us in this?" He asked, raising his eyebrow at his masked friend.

Erik walked over to the door and opened it without answering the question, making his way down towards the ballroom with Nadir following behind. Nadir sighed then, shaking his head as he knew what was going on in his mind right then and it certainly wasn't the police. After a few moments they made it down to the ballroom, hiding in the shadows as Charles came running away from the entrance with a concerned look on his face. Why was Charles here and more importantly, where was he going in such an hour of need? Erik pulled Nadir with him in the shadows, putting a gloved hand over his mouth as they watched him look around before exiting. Erik went to go after Charles immediately, wanting to know his reasonings but Nadir held him back. Erik raised his eyebrow at him to which Nadir began making hand gestures, signifying that he would follow the lad. Erik reluctantly let him go, turning his head as he held his gun swiftly in his hands while walking towards the ballroom. Erik was determined to keep Meg safe one way or another. He appeared in the doorway within seconds and the sight before him made his anger flare. He saw a man leaning over Meg, cupping her cheek while whispering to her various phrases of their supposed life together, a life he knew that Meg did not want to live. This man was telling her of all the things they were going to do, what role meg was going to play and worse of all, that she would give up singing and dancing. Erik emitted a growl then, not caring who heard him.

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