Chapter 8 - New Plan

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to the lovely Red_Masked_Writer for not only dedicating one of her chapters to me, but because she is simply lovely! If you haven't already, the story she is currently working on is a very unique viewpoint!

Anyway, thanks for sticking around even after the dirty parts! I hope you enjoyed them! And no worries, we shall be getting into some action pretty soon!

Erik had made his way around Paris, taking comfort in the dark streets once more as the hours grew later. Here he should be happy and feel alive, much like many other various couples felt while roaming the patched streets of one of the most romantic cities in the world, and he had every reason to be happy, but he knew when that beautiful soprano would awake she would scream. She would scream loud enough for all of Paris to hear and regret the decision she made. Erik knew this would be the last time he saw Christine. Erik had made love to the one woman who he constantly obsessed with and how he went from feeling so loved to feeling so alone in just a mere few hours astounded him.

After wandering around for some time, he made his way to a corner bar where it seemed to have little to no one partaking in the devil's nectar. Erik chuckled to himself at the thought, considering he used to be the devil's own child. He sat down on a stool and looked around until he saw an older male with gray hair and glasses approach him.

"Bon nuit monsieur, and what will you be having?" asked the older gentlemen.

Just as Erik was about speak, he heard a familiar voice behind him, " Two shots of vodka for us with only one ice cube."

The older gentlemen nodded as the familiar voice sat beside Erik. He smirked and shook his head, "I am surprised you remember our drink Nadir."

Nadir smiled and looked at him, "But of course, it's the only thing we drank."

Erik chuckled and looked down, shaking his head. Nadir coughed for a split second, looking straight ahead, "Why are you here Erik? Shouldn't you be in hiding?"

Erik laughed at the comment, pausing to look at Nadir, "And shouldn't you be in Spain painting portraits for the rich?"

Nadir didn't laugh or even snicker but did take his shot glass as it was given to him. Erik sighed, removing his gaze from his old friend as he stared into the glass and then proceeded to drink it.

"I'm on holiday," Nadir finally said, finishing his drink.

"Well then, so am I." Erik replied, returning to look at his friend.

Nadir turned to look at him, "You saw her again, didn't you?"

Erik nodded, tapping his hand on the bar to signify the needed another round.

"Erik, she is a married woman, " He began, his Persian accent coming through but it was now mixed with French and Spanish, "She is not yours to keep. She does not love you. Let her go."

Erik growled at the thought, growing impatient as the bartender poured them another round, "You're right."

This caused Nadir to blink for a moment, "I am? I mean-" He coughed, trying to hide his shock, "I am right. I know it is hard Erik..."

Erik nodded, finishing his second shot glass as Nadir spoke.

"... Really hard, but you will move on. Why don't you come back with me to Spain? Unless you have plans here?"

It was now Nadir's turn to take a drink, "I don't know. I am currently working at an inn-"

Nadir spit his drink, "A what? Where?!"

Nadir's grin grew wild as Erik told him, "an Inn, yes. I am the person who throws out the drunken idiots when they get out of hand. I am currently looking after her son in Paris. He's waiting for me in a hotel room."

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