Chapter 6 - Little Lotte

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It had been a week since Erik and Charles left the inn in search for Christine. They had gotten a few hints as to the whereabouts of the de Chagneys, however since the two had just married they were on their honeymoon for quite some time. Even though Erik wasn't a master at these types of ordeals, he was sure the honeymoon was supposed to last for a week or two, not for several months. Perhaps they were trying to stay away in fear that Erik would come back for Christine. Little did they know that there was nothing they could do to take Christine away from him, even his thoughts, no matter how hard anyone tried.

They both made their visit to the trash tower to which Charles was delighted. Erik didn't understand the structure nor understand why it was considered trash; he thought it was an interesting structure nevertheless but couldn't stand to view it for a long time. Afterwards they ventured for clues and eventually found their way to the manor in which the newlyweds were to be staying once they were back from their honeymoon. After bribing the maids to remain quit of their questioning, Erik and Charles made their way to a nearby hotel, awaiting for their return. However this day, Erik couldn't just sit and wait.

Charles made his way inside the room, obviously excited about something. He glanced over at Erik, who he could tell was deep in thought, "Erik, how long are you going to just sit here and wait?"

"Forever if need be" Erik replied honestly, looking down at his hands. He was so close and yet so far from reaching Christine. Once he saw her he was going to- that was the problem. Erik didn't know what he was going to say, let alone know what to think once he saw her or she even saw him. Was she going to scream, cry, cast him aside, even remember him? Had he been a fool all along? No. He wasn't and he would prove it to both of them, if only she would return home, "What are you so excited about?"

"Well," Charles replied while running his hands through his hair, "I thought since you gave me a chance to finally explore Paris, I thought I would pull some strings and get what you want the most to you sooner."

"What are you implying?" Erik questioned, raising his eyebrow to Charles' slight humor. He was more intrigued then he was annoyed.

"Someone just arrived home." Charles replied, smirking at Erik.

"Who?" Erik asked, obviously not catching on, "Common Charles I really don't have the patience for any guessing games-"

"Christine" he said simply. When they went to question the de Chagney manner, Charles had figured out who the woman was that Erik was searching for. Erik didn't give him enough credit to how smart and clever the boy was; the more they were spending time with each other, the more impressed he was with the boy's smarts.

A small smile came to Erik's lips, "And how did the young Charles happen to pull this off?"

Charles shrugged slightly, not revealing his secret. Erik didn't care, it honestly didn't matter, he was going to see Christine and finally his lifelong suffering will come to an end. "Where then Charles?"

"Christine will be arriving to the manner shorty."

"And what of the fop?" Erik inquired?

Charles chucked softly, "He had business to attend to so he will be back in two days time."

Erik's eyes widened open. It wasn't a lot of time but damn it was time. He resisted the urge to hug the man before him, "Will you be all right by yourself?"

Charles laughed and patted Erik's back, "Do not fret Mr. Richard, I shall be fine."

Erik nodded, quickly grabbing everything he needed and made his way out the door. He was confident enough that Charles could take care of himself but for now he had bigger things to take care of. He made sure he blended into the streets of Paris, making his way over to the manner, which was only a twenty-minute walk from the hotel they were staying at. Erik could have used a carriage but he decided walking will help him gather his thoughts.

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