Chapter 22 - It's Time

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The night had come and gone without so much as another word of Charles' request. Could Meg truly follow him into the unknown? Abandon her mother alone with these madmen? Could she truly leave Erik, regardless of the power he held over her, even if it was for her own well being? That morning she arose from her bed, pulling the soft quilt from her petite frame as she looked out the window and down below to the deserted island. If she were to stay, it was going to take a lot of work to build this island into a money making machine that Erik had wished it to be, but she had a feeling that if he could build and run an opera house without any help, actually having help this time would make the process much faster.

After returning back to her mother after that conversation, her mother did not question her for running away but did inform her of the stern insults thrown to Erik's way, even things that were inappropriate for any lady to hear. She found this news to be somewhat amusing but it lost its luster come by morning. They ended up staying inside the theater for the night, some of its rooms having been cleaned and maintained as if they were expecting company. The room itself was not large, but enough so that Meg could hang up her clothes and arrange it to her liking, but she would not be staying long and there was no reason to unpack. When her mother questioned her still packed suitcase, she had simply said she were lazy and busy with various tasks Erik put her up to. Her mother did not like it, but complied.

Meg quickly went to her suitcase and pulled out a simple dark green dress, one that hugged her curves but remained simple. She wanted to be appealing but yet a lady when doing one last task to accomplish her goal. If Erik would not love her, or at least admit to having any sort of romantic feelings for her by nightfall, she would run away with Charles and never return. It was the only way to be certain and to never question herself. She was going to admit her feelings first and if she were to be rejected, she could always cry on Charles' shoulder. He seemed to have taken a fancy to her anyhow and perhaps she could learn to love him in time.

Sighing, she pulled her slip over her head and then tied her corset, rolling her eyes as it became difficult as it always ways. After, she changed into her dress, letting the ruffled sleeves hug her elbows as the fabric came down to the floor. It clung to her slip as she made sure all the fabric was in place, making her way to the mirror. She grabbed her brush and began combing her blonde ringlets, letting them come together to appear as if she were perfect. After a few minutes, she became satisfied with just having her hair hang all over the place, no pins or updos for her today. She then reached for some charcoal and lined her eyes lightly so as not to smug her makeup. After pinching her cheeks for a faint bit of color, she stood up and eyed her complete ensemble some more. Meg thought herself to look beautiful, surely Erik would, wouldn't he?

Taking in a deep breathe, she placed a hand over her heart which had began to beat loudly as if it was going to burst out of her chest at any moment. She should not be nervous, for her destiny was hanging in the balance, if only Erik knew. After taking one last look over her appearance, she practiced what she was going to say in her mind as she stepped out of her room and towards his office.


Sighing he looked down at his paperwork and shook his head. He knew what he had to do in order to obtain the deed to the island but it was going to take a lot of work in order for him to agree. Earlier that morning, Nadir, Erik, and the man had held a meeting to discuss payment when the man suddenly wanted a different amount then advertised. After Nadir and the man held many discussions, everything was agreed upon and a contract was drawn up. They then went to a local print production store and requested three copies for each of them to go over and review in their own leisure. Tomorrow would be the official signing.

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