Chapter 28 - Pierre

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Meg did not have time to visit the other two potential investors for when she finished her meeting with Mr. Pearce, the sky was beginning to grow dark as the sun set behind the horizon. Muttering a curse word under her breath, she quickly hailed the next cab she happened to see on the road, raising her hand high as she pulled her coat closer to her person. The cab came over to her immediately and halted before her, letting her enter the carriage as soon as the horse stopped hustling.

"Where to Miss?" the driver asked, not bothering to turn around to view her.

"To the ferry docks that take me to Coney Island," she stated immediately, getting comfortable in the seat as the driver began pulling away without so much as a glance towards him.

The driver did not ask her why she was taking the ferry to an island that had nothing on it but a few people and she was somewhat grateful that he had not. Advertising the soon to be park was the furthest from her mind as she thought about the events that took place only moments ago. How could she have stooped so low as to cheat on Erik for the sake of his dream coming true? Was this how investments were to be negotiated if females were to be taken seriously? Oh who was she kidding, she was a woman and women were not taken seriously in the business world. Perhaps she should have obtained a job and left the negotiations to the men. Staring out the window, she watched as all the buildings passed by along with a few brave individuals who braced the harsh winds of the winter like day, letting a single tear escape from her left eye. The tear dripped down her cheek and towards her lap, reminding her of her pain and the guilt she will have to carry for hurting Erik.

Should she tell him? She knew she should but deep in her heart she did not want to cause him pain, or to cause herself any more pain from losing him. Erik would certainly not react well to this development, regardless that it secured income for the theatre he so desperately craved to finish. No, he would certainly lash out, perhaps damage his office as he was so used to doing down in the catacombs under the opera house. He might even hurt her. On the other hand if she kept this secret from him it would eat her alive inside; the guilt would numb her away until she did something rash, a decision she never wished to take now that she started anew. Sighing to herself, she knew she had to tell him even if it meant losing Erik.

As the carriage pulled up to the ferry she sighed heavily once more, fearful of the outcome that awaited the unforgiving waters separating her from the island while getting out of the carriage. She reached in her purse to obtain the fee for the driver, frantically searching for the amount she knew was due to him.

"Do not fret Miss, it's on the house," the driver said, causing Meg to whip her head up to the man who had been driving the carriage.

"I must insist-" she stated, gasping as she saw the smiling man before her. Meg blinked a few times, taking in the features of the man before her, so familiar and yet so distant.

"Now what are you all dressed for little Meg?" the driver asked, smirking a familiar smile as he hopped down from the driver's seat. The brown hair, those eyes that hinted at amusement but also of extreme pain and loss, the height that came to view as he jumped down before her. She would recognize this man from anywhere.

"Charles!" Meg exclaimed, forgetting about the money due as she hugged him tightly, "It's so good to see you."

"It is good to see you too Meg," Charles stated, hugging her just as tightly before letting go to look at her, "My oh my, all dressed up with nowhere to go?"

"Hardly," Meg replied, smiling softly as her arms rested against his, "I was just at Mr. Pearce's house discussing an investment opportunity for Erik's park."

"Ah," Charles said, his happy tone instantly gone with a replaced forced smile, "and how did that go?"

With the question Meg froze; she could not tell Charles she just slept with a man in order to obtain money so Erik could finish his dream. In fact, she could tell no one or her reputation would be ruined. If Mr. Pearce were to ever tell, she would still be ruined and so would her virtue, leaving her worthless and never able to marry. A tainted whore from France, what would Erik think of her then? She shook her head gently to rid herself of those thoughts for just the moment, "He agreed to invest."

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